It is now January 29, 2025 and still no response!I guess you don’t consider me a constituent? You feel pretty secure with the Provincial February Election and representing a highly Conservative riding!Steve Clark;It is now Sept 2024 and still no non-automated response from my MPP Steve Clark!I guess you get to choose which constituents you wish to consider representing?
Feeling Quilty?1. Your role in covering up medical negligence. 2. Breach of Trust by an elected/appointed Official contained within the Ontario and Canadian Criminal Code.
Ms Stiles, Mr Fraser and Premier Ford- who will represent me when my elected MPP won’t?*********Mr Clark,It is now Sept 26. Still no response from you or your office! Why? Only the standardized computer response - not even a personal one from any of your constituent employees.
I am in your constituency and you fail to respond? Why?
Does it have to do with the medical negligent death ofTerra Dawn Kilby?- that you have continue to ignore- - Breach of Trust by an elected official!
If one took the time it is quite obvious there are numerous officials guilty of covering up medical negligence contributing to the death of my daughter: (and the further deaths by the same surgeon)
-Chief Coroner of Ontario - DIOC- HPARB - Ontario Ombudsman - Ontario Patient Ombudsman - Humber River Hospital - and every MPP since 2008 who were made aware of the circumstances
Previous AttemptTrying Again Sept 7, 2023
What does one do when their own MPP, Steve Clark, won’t respond to a constituent? And has done so for a very long time. He doesn’t represent me?
Have you blocked my email so I can’t contact you as you have done with your Facebook?
Am I pissed at you? Yes, you abandoned me once the Conservatives took power. ******Sent to MPP Clark’s Brockville Office on line Sept 4th, 2023
Your Office will ignore this. I am sure Karma is just beginning.
Perhaps, you will try to regain some integrity by truly exposing the medical negligence in my daughter’s death?
This would benefit not only your constituents but all of Ontario by bringing about effective transparency and accountability within Ontario’s Health Care System and within the Institutions, and Elected/Appointed Officials which you are one.
I doubt you will respond.
I’ll wait to hear before posting this to various social media
******As my MPP representing his constituents when there is irrefutable evidence of medical negligence and a coverup he certainly could have brought this to the attention of the Health Ministry and other elected/appointed officials which he did do when the Conservatives were in opposition. He, however stopped all attempts once the Conservatives gained power. It was then he would have more influence but chose not to do so? Why so much support while in opposition then nothing?
Numerous deaths after my daughter’s by the same surgeon may have been preventable!
To refresh your Memory:
My daughter bled out 12 hours after discharge. Her colon resection broke down due to necrosis of the tissue. I didn’t find out until obtaining the hospital/surgical records that the open abdominal surgery was done without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis being administered. No antibiotics given even when the abdominal incision infected and all staples removed. No antibiotics when test results indicated “many gram negative bacilli present”!
How about the enlarged abdomen at time of release? went from flat to rounded to large How about the foul, purulent oozing incision at time of release? And during the entire time of her stay. And all of the staples had been removed from the 10 inch abdominal incision.
How about the fact that she did not have the anti-biotic prophylaxis given at the time of induction? THIS IS A STANDARD OF CARE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD!
How about the fact she received no anti-biotics whatsoever at any time? Not even when the incision became infected nor when test results stated "many gram negative bacilli". (same classification as C Dificile)
How about the many gram negative bacilli seen? And not treated
How about the fact the she remained on a liquid diet for 8 days consisting of jello, juice, tea and both without any nutritional supplement?
How about the fact that she was only receiving 687 calories per day for 8 days? And records show she was not tolerating these meals. July 12 nutrition—probably inadequateJuly 13 not tolerating current dietJuly 13 again--not tolerating current diet, nauseatedJuly 14 ate about half of what was servedJuly 16 not tolerating current diet, nausea, save tray to try and eat laterJuly 17 not tolerating current diet,
Even if she ate all of the liquid diet she still would have been lacking the daily total nutritional intake requirement:
How can a wound heal without proper nutrition?
How about that fact that the only two regular meals consumed was the last two prior to her discharge and she did not have a bowel movement? (Remember, she had a colon resection) How about the fact her resting pulse rate was over 90? (34/38 of Terra’s recorded pulse rates were above 90 during her stay)
How about the low Absolute Lymphocyte (type of white cells)? Which indicated the body is using up these cells fighting an infection
**ABS LYMPH#Absolute Lymphocytes Count Ref. 1.5 - 4.0 All Five Test Are Well Below NormalJuly 18 0.9Day 6 0.7Day 4 0.5 Day 3 0.8 Day 2 1.0
How about the many temperature reading that were abnormal?23 out 38 recorded temperatures were not in the normal range
How about the many PMN’s (polymorphonuclear Neutrophils) –? hallmark of acute inflammatory process
How about the low hemacrit counts, low red blood cell counts and low haemaglobin counts? **HCT Hematocrit Count Ref. 0.36 to 0.48 All Five Tests are Below NormalJuly 18 0.35 Day 6 0.35Day 4 0.32 Day 3 0.32 Day 2 0.34
**RBC Red Blood Count Ref. 4.20-5.40 One Test at Low of Normal Range & Four Below Normal RangeJuly 18 4.20 Day 6 4.16Day 4 3.80 Day 3 3.78 Day 2 3.95
**HB Hemoglobin Ref. 120-160 All Five Test Results are Below Normal RangeJuly 18 119Day 6 117Day 4 107Day 3 106Day 2 111 Some alarms should have been heard if the Surgeon looked at the hospital records which I believe he did not.Too many unanswered questions?
You don't need a medical degree to see from the many items above found within the Hospital records that Terra should not have been discharged until most if not all were investigated, and resolved.
Mr Shanoff who wrote the two articles in the Sunday Toronto Sun sent me this from a woman who contacted him. --a very knowledgeable nurse*********************"I read with interest your article in the Sunday Sun October 13, 2013. titled “Why did woman die after routine surgery?”. I applaud you for bringing the circumstances surrounding this case to public attention. I feel it is a pity that innocent people must bare their hearts and their private lives in such a public fashion to get the attention they deserve and also to expose the injustice that permeated their lives.
As a former ICU nurse, who spent most of my nursing years in large academic teaching hospitals, I could say the reason for the woman’s death is a no brainer! However, not having seen the hospital records, I speak cautiously.
Several indicators from nursing records points to a “foul odour” and “purulent discharge” Both of these observations strongly point to an underlying infective process going on beneath the skin surface. Purulent discharge, as observed in this case, means the pus from the infection is significant enough in quantity that it is draining out wherever it can, which, after surgery, is usually through the operative incision. This is one of the VERY basic and elementary observations after any surgery. AND the procedure once the discharge has been observed, is to “swab” (do a culture of) the discharge, so that microbiology can determine the type of bacteria responsible. The microbiology / bacterial report then identifies which antibiotics would be best used to combat the infective process, so that appropriate antibiotics can then be ordered by the physician/surgeon. “Cultures” used to take a few days to process, but currently, preliminary results can be obtained the same day. Even without microbiology testing, surgeons have been educated to know what types of bacteria are most prevalent in certain situations.
I see no mention at all that the woman was started on antibiotics either on the 15th of July, the day the nursing records indicated the purulent drainage was first observed. or, at any point in time prior to the woman’s discharge. If this is the case would negligence be a good word to use here? It is a standard of Nursing Practice, to report such findings as “discharge” immediately to the Surgeon and obtain an order for antibiotics. If the hospital utilized the “Pathways” model of post-op care, then there should have been “standing orders” in place to give direction. Regardless, there is absolutely no excuse for antibiotics not being ordered immediately when discharge was first observed.
It would seem to me that having had this discharge for 5 days…. at least for 5 days that it was observable…… where was the surgeon doing his post-operative checks on his patients? It is also a well know fact that abdominal infections are a dangerous game to play. It is also well known that by the time the infective process is observable on the surface of the skin at the incision, there is much more going on “inside”, beneath the skin surface. You are only seeing what is “overflowing”, so to speak.
Some surgical procedures are best handled with antibiotics given prophilactically prior to surgery, especially when the risk of infection is high (such as is the case with certain abdominal surgeries). Optimal post operative care and surgical ouycome is sometimes contingent on good pre-operative care. For both agencies, the CPS and the HPARB to give minimal attention to the fact that antiobiotics were NOT given, is totally inexcusable.. It is almost like they are denying the contribution this makes to the post-operative infective process… they are excusing themselves from antibiotics having any responsibility or role in the woman’s health… or lack of it. Malpractice? Whatever it is, this is inexcusable, both for the two review boards and for the surgeon..
Further to the infective process ongoing in this woman’s abdomen, the infection sometimes does NOT stop here. It is also a basic concept in medicine and very elementary, that infective processes, when untreated or not affectively treated, can evolve into septicemia (infection in the blood) and septic shock (where your body starts to shut down from the infection) ….. and death. This is the NO BRAINER ! This is where I fail to see how both agencies, the College and the Review Board, don’t seem to be paying any attention, whatsoever, to rudimentary medicine !!
I am also dismayed at the length of time it took for this surgeon to complete the Hospital Discharge Summary and I also assume that the operative records are included in this five month delay. Every hospital has policies governing the length of time physicians have to complete paperwork before hospital privileges are revoked…. Which means that doc cannot practice in that hospital. Health Record Departments are very diligent in constantly reminding the offenders of unfinished paperwork and of consequential impending suspensions. Five months is a long time. Was this period of time within the framework of that hospital’s policy…. Or was his privileges suspended which prompted him to complete the operative records and then have his privileges re-instated? My biggest concern with incomplete or absence of prompt record keeping is that the margin of error increases exponentially as time passes.
I am also troubled by the reactions of the College and the Review Board. The shrugging -off of responsibility back and forth speaks to me of not wanting to address this issue and get to the bottom and be forthcoming with answers.,,,, or not wanting to give answers. Often in cases where there is compelling evidence of mismanagement and allegations of mismanagement, this behavior by The College is repeated. Is this a “big name” or prominent surgeon that is involved in this case, and both agencies are trying to minimize the impact on his career and reputation? Who is covering for who here? Having worked in the system for 46 years, I feel confident in saying that this is not an uncommon practice amongst physicians and also not an uncommon practice by the College. If you look at other “worst scenario” cases where there have been complaints or questions asked of the College, how many times have complaints been dismissed when the evidence is pretty compelling? The “Old Boys Network” is still alive and kicking even in this era of supposed accountability.
I also question the reason Humber River Regional Hospital would “create a memorial garden with a plaque in Terra’s name”. This is again not the “normal” or usual practice after a patient dies expectedly or unexpectedly, whether inside its doors or without. What does the hospital know that they are not telling….. or even worse, not admitting to. A friend of mine received a card and gift basket after being hit in an accident. Legally, this is an admission of guilt. Are we seeing the same admission of guilt here? Is this the hospital’s way of offering an “olive branch” to cloud the truth. I believe there is more to this than meets the eye.
I have many opinions about the Legal system in this great land of ours, but this may be the only way this poor father is going to get any answers to his questions. Docs are terrified of legal action, but it usually gets their attention. What is needed is a careful and shrewd lawyer who is knowledgeable in medical practice; that is, has available the academic knowledge with acceptable and competent medical practices required for this case, Armed with knowledge, should he delve into available information on this woman’s case, I am assured the answer should come pretty quickly.
No, the father has a very valid and heartfelt point of view when it comes to finding answers to his daughter’s death. Money does not bring your child back, and this reflects my own thoughts after I lost my son tragically at the same age. To lose a child, no matter the cause, is very painful, and for many years to come. The pain is magnified many times over, when negligence and stupidity is at the root of the cause of death. I admire his persistence and his thinking. However, in spite of our best hopes and well intended thinking, legal action may be the only way to eventually find the answer he seeks. My heart goes out to this father. I truly hope that some of the things I have said, will be of help in finding his answers; and maybe some day bring relief and comfort to his heavy heart."***********************Expert opinions from qualified surgeons outside of Canada (those within won’t comment) of email *****************
Should you wish to express your concerns to your own MPP please do so.My MPP, Steve Clark is a major disappointment. I believe he should go
back and think about what he believed in when he served as Brockville's
youngest mayor when he was 22.
Now let's
work on bringing about true transparency and accountability with Ontario's
Health Care System.
So sad to see my own Member of the Provincial Parliament, Steve Clark
throw away his moral and ethical integrity, when the party he belongs to
regained power at Queen’s Park, in order to obtain a Ministerial
position within this government. He appeared to be far more vocal during
the Liberal government than now. WHY? The old standard still exists— a
politician in opposition or campaigning for re-election will say and do
anything but this all changes once being elected!
This was merely
another “Bull shit” response.
In the
morning of October 31st, 2019 Mr. Jiggens, the administrative
assistant to MPP Steve Clark returned my phone call. He informed me MPP Steve Clark and Health
Minister Christine Elliott could not do anything with regard to my case with
both the CPSO and HPARB as it deals with an individual case--- I pointed out
that there are numerous cases involving this surgeon. I told him how disappointed I was and that I
do not feel this was true as the Minister does indeed have oversight over both
of these institutions.
The most recent case involving this surgeons who has had multiple deaths--- far too many for a general surgeon. Ignored by the Health Minister, the Health Ministry and my MPP.
Obviously, Dr. Klein has not changed since my daughter’s death. Before reading my story, take a look at excerpts from the following HPARB decision.From an HPARB Review held on July12, 2017
"As noted above, the Committee specifically considered the Respondent’s conduct history with the College. The
Committee indicated that the Respondent’s “history with the College,
which includes several complaints on a number of aspects of [the
Respondent’s] care, raised some concern for the Committee”. The Board has reviewed the Respondent’s history with the College and finds that the Committee’s concern is reasonable."
Committee noted that Dr. Klein has a significant history with the
College, which include cases raising both clinical and record-keeping
issues, for which he has received advice and been cautioned. The Committee agreed with the Board that the repetition of similar concerns in this case appears to indicate that the previous remediation attempts have not been successful. This, along with the Committee’s concern about Dr. Klein’s persistent lack of insight into his shortcomings in this case, suggested that a more significant disposition was required to adequately protect the public, as outlined above."
Board notes that the Respondent’s conduct history with the College
includes prior complaints involving the care of patients, including
medication issues, that have previously been identified as concerns by
the panels of Committee assigned to assess them and have resulted in
advice being provided to the Respondent. The repetition of similar
concerns highlighted in this case would appear to indicate that
previous remediation attempts by the Committee have failed to yield the
desired result. There is nothing within the Committee’s decision
to indicate how the issuance of another advice in this matter will
protect the public interest in light of the Respondent’s conduct
response from Mr Clark would be appreciated to explain what changed
with regard to his words then and his silence now.
Could it be
that back then he was an opposition MPP and now he is a Minister in
today's Government???
Did he accept his own "Quid pro Quo"? Silence for a Cabinet Minister position. ---proof is in the pudding
Official Records for 22 October 2013
Hansard Transcripts
Mr. Steve Clark:
"I rise on behalf
of a constituent whose name should be familiar to every MPP. We’re just
some of the many people Arnold Kilby has written to in his quest for
truth behind the death of his daughter, Terra
Dawn. She died seven years ago at the age of 28, following routine
surgery at Humber River Regional Hospital."
that terrible day when his daughter died shortly after being
discharged, Arnold has been on a mission—not for revenge, not for money.
He wanted two simple things—two things he frankly
should never have had to ask for, let alone wage a seven-year battle
for that continues today. He wanted an admission that basic precautions
weren’t taken prior to her surgery and afterwards,when it was
clear something had gone terribly wrong. He also wanted what every
parent would: an assurance that Terra Dawn’s death wasn’t in vain, that
the mistakes made would lead to changes."
proved to be a mission impossible. If the seven years of hell Arnold
spent trapped in an alphabet soup of agencies tells us anything, it’s
that true accountability and oversight of Ontario’s
medical profession exists in name only. No patient or parent should
have to endure this. I commend Sun Media columnist Alan Shanoff for
bringing Arnold and Terra Dawn’s story to light."
why today I’m calling on the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and
the College of Physicians and Surgeons to create a truly open and
transparent medical oversight and accountability
MPP Steve Clark
And this from a few years earlier:
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Second Session, 39th Parliament
Official Report of Debates (Hansard)
Re: Excellent Care
For All Act, 2010
Second Reading
May 4, 2010
Mr. Steve Clark:
“I am pleased to rise to provide
some comments to the member for Scarborough-Rouge River. I listened to his comments about quality and
value, and also about accountability in this Excellent Care for All bill.
On Friday, I met with one of my constituents, Arnold
Kilby from Lansdowne, whom I think has e-mailed every member of this
Legislature hundreds and hundreds of times with a concern about the
system. His daughter, Terra Dawn Kilby,
passed away in 2006, 12 hours after her release from a Toronto-area
hospital. He has many unresolved
issues with respect to the care she received in that hospital. I know that he’s written to the Minister of
Health and Long-Term Care and also to the Minister of Community Safety,
expressing his concerns that the system let her down; that there wasn’t an
accountable system; that he can’t seem to get answers on the fact that there
should be things put in place at the hospital and in the health care system
that make the government accountable for what happens at these facilities; and
the fact that, in his case, with his daughter Terra Dawn, he still, three years
after her death, cannot get answers from this government or from the hospital
involved. You know, it’s not an
issue of taking the government to court.
All he wants is a bill that puts some accountability back in the system
that would ensure what happened to him and his family never happens again.
I’ve looked at this Bill 46.
I looked at Hansard from yesterday, at what the minister said, and I don’t see that this bill has that
accountability for Arnold Kilby, that it has that accountability with a
hospital so that it adequately addresses his concerns. I would like someone to address that at some
point in the future.” 0920
Mr. Steve Clark:
"The freedom of information—I have a constituent, Arnold Kilby, who I
think has emailed every single, solitary one of the members of this Legislature
probably 100 times. His daughter, Terra Dawn, passed away a number of years ago
and he has been fighting ever since to get answers from the hospital board.
He has been up against a brick wall with the Health Professions Appeal
and Review Board; the College of Physicians and Surgeons has been like a
brick wall to him to get answers. The Death Investigation Oversight
Council—this man has tried to get answers from the hospital, from ministers. I
remember he wrote the Minister of Community Safety, and the OPP came to his
door questioning him about his emails. I couldn’t believe it.
All the man wants are some answers. He certainly doesn’t have the means
to litigate. All he wants are some answers surrounding his daughter. I can
appreciate what he has gone through with these bodies, the brick wall that he
has hit, and to have further provisions removed for freedom of information at
hospitals—I just don’t understand that.
In my own discussions in this House, just in the last couple of weeks, about
the South East LHIN and the surgery department at Brockville General Hospital,
I brought up this plan twice in the House. My critics say that I’m creating
this mirage. I’ve seen the plan. A doctor shared with me the plan and shared
with me the discussion around the plan. All I asked was that it be taken off
the table. If I was such an extreme MPP to bring this up that it was at the far
end of the spectrum, why didn’t you just take it off the table? I asked for a
public meeting to take place. Well, lo and behold, I read the daily newspaper
in Brockville this morning, and the headline is, “Surgery Update Heard Secretly
by BGH Board.” When I see schedule 15 restricting freedom of information, and I
see LHINs operating in a shroud of secrecy in a significant recommendation that
would gut the surgery department, and I suggest gut the Brockville General
Hospital, I have every right to bring it up as the MPP in that riding. I can’t
believe, when I read the local paper, that this update by the LHIN would be
held in a secret meeting with the board. I can’t understand it.”
Taking away freedom-of-information rights from hospitals:
I can’t support that. I can’t support it because of the issues with my surgery
department, but more importantly, because of my constituent Arnold Kilby and
his poor daughter and the answers that he has been trying to get. We need to
make sure that he has that opportunity."
What changed from back then to now
----- from opposition MPP to Cabinet Minister
Gee, would it be nice to hear an honest explanation!
the Health Minister, Christine
Elliott and her Ministry
failing to uphold her own responsibilities expressed in the Act. Duty of Minister3. "It is the duty of the Minister to ensure that the health professions
are regulated and co-ordinated in the public interest,
that appropriate standards of practice are developed and maintained and
that individuals have access to services provided
by the health professions of their choice and that they are treated
with sensitivity and respect in their dealings with health
professionals, the Colleges and the Board." She and the
Conservative government have also failed to ensure the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Ontario uphold the “Objects of the College” which is expressed
within the Act.
The Regulated Health Professions
Act, Schedule 2, Section 3, sets out the objects of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO):
of College
3. (1) The College has the following objects
(emphasis added):
1. To regulate
the practice of the profession and to govern the members in accordance with the health profession Act, this Code and the
Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and the regulations and bylaws.
develop, establish and maintain standards of qualification for
persons to be issued certificates of
develop, establish and maintain
programs and standards of practice
assure the quality of the practice of the profession.
To develop, establish
and maintain standards of knowledge and skill and
programs to promote continuing competence among the members.
develop, establish and maintain standards of professional ethics for
the members.
To develop, establish and maintain programs to assist
individuals to
exercise their rights under this Code and the Regulated
Professions Act, 1991.
To administer
the health profession Act, this Code and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 as
it relates to the profession and to perform the other duties and exercise the
other powers that are imposed or conferred
on the College.
So sad
to see my own Member of the Provincial Parliament, Steve Clark
throw away his moral
and ethical integrity, when the party he belongs to regained power at Queen’s
Park, in order to obtain a Ministerial position within this government. He appeared to be far more vocal during the
Liberal government than now. WHY? The old standard still exists— a politician
in opposition or campaigning for re-election will say and do anything but this
all changes once being elected!
In this riding it makes no difference what or who runs for the Queen’s
Park Legislature. Even the following
would win an election here as long as they are wearing Conservative Blue!
Bob Runciman Conservative MPP from 1981 to 2910
Steve Clark Conservative MPP from 2010 to present
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Riding.
Progressive Conservative Candidate -----future MPP, the Honourable Jack Ass.
They have,
in fact become accomplices in the cover-up of medical negligence and have
therefore put patient safety at severe risk.
Once again, there is absolutely “no transparency and accountability
within Ontario’s Health Care System.
adverse events and possible deaths by this surgeon lay completely at the foot
of both Steve Clark and Christine Elliott.
Just one
of many “Standards of Care” which was not adhered to by this surgeon and
–open abdominal surgery to remove a tumor and
perform a colon resection without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis, no
anti-biotics for infected abdominal incision whereby all the staples had been
removed and not anti-biotics when test results indicated the “presence of many
gram-negative bacilli” (in same category as C Dificille) No antibiotics given during entire hospital
stay! How have the Health Minister,
Christine Elliott, my MPP, Steve Clark and the Conservative Government ensured
that the standards of care are indeed upheld???
Terra Dawn Kilby, age 28, bled to death less than 12
hours after being discharged from Humber River Hospital in Toronto.
One can only hope Karma comes to those
MPPs and other parties who failed to act!
Made: June 27, 2007
Filed: July 25, 2007
Published on e-Laws: July 27, 2007
Oath of Office
I, Steve Clark (Christine Elliott) swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my duties
as a public servant and will observe and comply with the laws of Canada
and Ontario and, except as I may be legally authorized or required, I
will not disclose or give to any person any information or document that
comes to my knowledge or possession by reason of my being a public
servant. So help me God. (Omit this phrase in an affirmation.)”
An MPP brings the
riding’s concerns and needs to the table, and will have a stronger voice
if he or she holds a high spot in the
government. Cabinet ministers hailing from specific regon will be able
to shine more light on the area.
As a representative for a particular riding, a MPP
is responsible for voicing the concerns of a specific region within
Ontario on behalf of the citizens who live within this riding.
"Defamation is
comprised of two subcategories between libel (libel refers to written
defamatory statements)and slander(broadcasting of spoken defamatory
Proving a Claim in Libel and/or Slander
"the statement must be false!"
Defences to Actions in Libel and Slander
"The first defence is the defence of truth. The defence can be made
that the statement was truthful and therefor there was nothing false
about the statement, meaning therefore, that the statement was not
"The second defence to an
allegation of libelous statement is that the statements made were made
as a fair comment. The defence of fair comment would be considered by
the Court in situations where, by looking at the statement made, the
facts and the situation, a conclusion can be made that the statements
made were in actuality a fair commentary on the situation at hand and
that the comments were fair and were not malicious."
"The defence of qualified privilege arises normally in situations where
the individual publishing these statements will escape any liability if
it can be proven that the public good could be furthered in open
debate. -- especially considering the numerous deaths which occurred
after my daughter's death and the one in Dec of 2012. Who really knows the real total being concealed by all?
Remember pathologist Dr. Smith
whose testimony removed children from parents and sent some innocent
Ontario citizens to prison before he was exposed.
(Dr. Charles Smith was long regarded as one of Canada's best
in forensic child pathology. A public inquiry was called after an
Ontario coroner's inquiry questioned Smith's conclusions in 20 of 45
child autopsies.)
I wonder how many people suspected something but failed to act??????
One must wonder how many people in my daughter's case can be seen doing the exact same thing---covering up negligence
& BREACH OF TRUST BY A PUBLIC OFFICIAL ----no their reputations
far outweigh the truth being known and the public being protected.
Mr Clark, as well as
many others, who have the credibility and ability to speak out should
do so when it is so apparent that an injustice has occurred. Or do they
share a commonality with the USA Republicans?
Steve Clark and his office will not reply to my many e-mails since I receive
the response from Health Minister, Christine Elliott, that there was nothing her
office can do. This surgeon has multiple deaths after my daughter’s that has
been concealed by all.
Latest bullshit response from Christine Elliott:
receiving the useless letter from Ms Elliott, my MPP has ignored
numerous e-mails sent to him until I created a new blog indicating his
lack of response and outlining the incredible Breach of Trust by
Officials committed by all. Then I received the following:
Jiggins, Michael
Wed 2019-09-18 11:14 AM
Good afternoon, Mr. Kilby.
I had responded to your recent email indicating my availability to speak with you at you convenience.
Let me know when you wish to arrange a call.
Michael Jiggins | Executive Assistant
Office of Steve Clark, MPP
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes
On Sep. 16, 2019 1:48 p.m., Arnold Kilby <> wrote:
Numerous e-mails have been ignored by this Office. Why? Plenty of time has gone by since you started ignoring me.
Thirteen years of
cover-up is clearly irresponsible for all those who have participated
and encouraged this. If you recall in a previous e-mail, HPARB had
mentioned they have seen many concerns expressed regarding
this surgeon and how little affect the minimal oral/written
disciplinary actions had on Dr. Klein.
"The Committee noted that Dr. Klein has a significant history with the College,
which include cases raising both clinical and record-keeping issues,
for which he has received advice
and been cautioned. The Committee agreed with the Board that the
repetition of similar concerns in this case appears to indicate that the previous remediation attempts have not been successful.
This, along with the Committee’s concern about Dr. Klein’s persistent lack of insight into his shortcomings in this case, suggested that a more significant disposition was required to adequately protect the public"
"The Board notes that the Respondent’s
conduct history with the College includes prior complaints involving
the care of patients, including medication issues, that have previously
been identified as concerns by the panels of Committee assigned to
assess them and have resulted in advice being
provided to the Respondent. The repetition of similar concerns highlighted in this case would appear to indicate that
previous remediation attempts by the Committee have failed to yield the desired result.
is nothing within the Committee’s decision to indicate how the issuance
of another advice in this matter will protect the public interest in
light of the Respondent’s
conduct history."
So, the Hospital, CPSO,
HPARB, Chief Coroner's Office, DIOC and our elected officials keep
protecting the surgeon and continue to put the electorate in danger.
Correspondence Services (MOHLTC) <>
Wed 2019-05-08 9:03 AM
Mr. Arnold Kilby
Dear Mr. Kilby:
you for your email regarding your concerns about the investigations
into your late daughter's care at the former Humber River
Regional Hospital. You and your family have my deepest sympathies.
would like to assure you that accountability and transparency are
important to me and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
I remember your daughter's case well from my time as Ontario's Patient Ombudsman, and I regret to hear that you continue to feel
that your concerns regarding the investigations have not been appropriately addressed.
I understand that you are not satisfied with the outcomes of these
independent investigations; unfortunately, neither I, nor
ministry staff, can intervene or become involved in individual cases.
Please accept my condolences for your loss.
Original signed by
Christine Elliott
Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
The Ministry of Health should be questioning the following as it pertains to CPSO's role and obligations to the public:
What is the point of passing legislation if those in authority fail to enforce the laws after enacting them?
Regulated Health Professions Act, Schedule 2, Section 3, sets out the
objects of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO):
Objects of College
3. (1) The College has the following objects (emphasis added):
1. To
regulate the practice of the profession and to govern the members in
accordance with the health profession Act, this Code and the Regulated
Health Professions Act, 1991 and the regulations and
2. To develop, establish and maintain standards of qualification for persons to be issued certificates of registration.
3. To develop, establish and maintain programs and standards of practice to assure the quality of the practice of the profession.
4. To
develop, establish and maintain standards of knowledge and skill and
programs to promote continuing competence among the members.
5. To develop, establish and maintain standards of professional ethics for the members.
6. To
develop, establish and maintain programs to assist individuals to
exercise their rights under this Code and the Regulated Health
Professions Act, 1991.
7. To
administer the health profession Act, this Code and the Regulated Health
Professions Act, 1991 as it relates to the profession and to perform
the other duties and exercise the other powers that
are imposed or conferred on the College.
The objects of the CPSO include to "establish and maintain programs and standards of practice."
Ms Elliott;
Ms Elliott explain to me how a patient can undergo open abdominal
surgery to remove a tumor and have a colon resection done without the
mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis being administered
please Ms Elliott explain to me how a patient not having the above done
did not receive antibiotics when the abdominal incision became so
that all staples were removed
Ms Elliott explain to me not having the two above done how a patient
did not receive antibiotics for the presence of "many gram negative
bacilli" present-----NO ANTIBIOTICS GIVEN AT ALL!
--And there are so many more patient care issues I have presented to all many time before--- which undoubted would be shared
with many of Dr. Klein's patients
No, let us allow the
public to be completely unaware of this particular surgeon so they will
unknowingly allow their loved ones to be operated by this surgeon and
use the facilities of this hospital that did
all they could to cover up negligence. How can they possibly grant him
hospital privileges?--- oh, yeah, the money and so called esteem of his
bariatric program brings to them.
Why won't Ford do
anything?-- cause he hired the past CEO of the hospital, Reuben Devlin
as his special health advisor--- and oh yes, Miss Elliott has a close
relationship with Barb Collins, the present CEO of
Humber River Hospital. Does one not smell CORRUPTION in this
By reviewing my
daughter's case would undoubtedly bring forth the truth that there are
so many failings in our system of accountability and transparency that
only a Public Inquiry would be able to address them,
and make the appropriate recommendations. But this would expose so
many elected/appointed officials of not doing their jobs!
Ms Elliott also has a responsibility with regard to Humber River Hospital
Failure of the Hospital:
supposed are required to do a death investigation but when asked they
told the Ombudsman's office, no records were actually kept and the
hospital refused to give
me a copy or summation of their supposed death investigation. The
Health Minister should be looking into this but of course her close
friendship with Barb Collins, the CEO would prevent her from doing so.
--Breach of Trust.
you can see from below, this hospital apparently did not do this, or
else they covered up their internal review of the patient's care.
Issues are
directly related to hospital quality of care. The Quality of Care
Information Protection Act, 2004, which sets out in Section 1, the
functions of quality reviews (emphasis added):
1, In this Act,
"quality of care committee" means a body of one or more individuals,
(a) that is established, appointed or approved,
(i) by a health facility,
(ii) by an entity that is prescribed by the regulations and that provides health care, or
(iii) by an entity that is prescribed by the regulations and that carries on activities for the purpose of improving
or maintaining the quality of care provided by a health facility, a health care provider or a class of health facility or health care provider,
(b) that meets the prescribed criteria, if any, and
(c) whose
functions are to carry on activities for the purpose of studying,
assessing or evaluating the provision
of health care with a view to improving or maintaining the quality of
the health care or the level of skill, knowledge and competence of the
persons who provide the health care;
("comite de la qualite des soins).
In the Chief
Coroner's refusal to conduct an inquest, the following is stated with
regard to the above: (and to many of my recommendations contained within
my submission to the CCO requesting an inquiry.)
Dr. Bert Lauwers: CCO
"The concerns raised by these potential recommendations properly belongs to the HRRH and a death review of Ms. Kilby's death"
they did not do one or at least have a written report of it. This also
demonstrated the failure of the Hospital.--- keep in mind the Patient
Ombudsman who at the time was Ms
Elliott and her office rendered a completely useless report--
You, as our new Conservative Health
Minister, do have the authority to investigate holding both the CPSO and
HPARB accountable for an inept, dishonest investigation into my
complaints and enacting appropriate legislation in the
Legislature to ensure this never happens again. You should also involve
the Minister of Correction to do the same with regard to the Chief
Coroner's Office and the DIOC, as both institutions are complicit in the
cover up of medical negligence and covering
up their own role in such.
According to Regulated Health Professions Act
you do have the authority to look into the CPSO either personally or through the Advisory Council.
You may erroneously consider this as possible political
interference but it is your responsibility to do so, and you are
mandated to do so!
to the following act, the Minister of Health and the Ministry does have
the authority to ensure that the College indeed must act first and
foremost in the
interest of the public. So, when I get the standard reply why they
can't intervene, it is a falsehood.
CPSO and HPARB are not operating in the public interest when they total
ignore the factual, medical proof contained within the hospital records
and only accept
fabricated opinion.
Regulated Health Professions Act
Duty of Minister
3. "It is the duty of the Minister to ensure that the health professions
are regulated and co-ordinated in the public interest,
that appropriate standards of practice are developed and maintained and
that individuals have access to services provided
by the health professions of their choice and that they are treated
with sensitivity and respect in their dealings with health
professionals, the Colleges and the Board."
College supervisor
5.0.1 (1) The
Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a person as a College
supervisor, on the recommendation of the Minister,where the Minister
considers it appropriate or necessary and where, in the Minister's
opinion, a Council has not complied with a requirement
under subsection 5 (1). 2009, c. 26, s. 24 (2).
Factors to be considered
(2) In deciding whether to make a recommendation
under subsection (1), the Minister may consider
any matter he or she considers relevant, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
(a) the quality of the administration and management,
including financial management, of the College;
(b) the administration of this Act or the Health Profession Act as they relate to the health profession; and
(c) the
performance of other duties and powers imposed on the College, the
Council, the committees of the College, or persons employed, retained or
appointed to administer
this Act, the Health Profession Act, the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act or the Drug Interchangeability
and Dispensing Fee Act. 2009, c. 26, s. 24 (2).
Council to comply with Minister's request
(2) If
Minister requires a Council to do anything under subsection (1), the
Council shall, within the time and in the manner specified by the
Minister, comply with the requirement and submit a report. 1991, c. 18,
s. 5 (2).
(3) If
the Minister requires a Council to make, amend
or revoke a regulation under clause (1) (c) and the Council does not do
so within sixty days, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make,
amend or revoke the regulation. 1991, c. 18, s. 5 (3).
Powers of College supervisor
(6) Unless
the appointment provides otherwise, a College
supervisor has the exclusive right to exercise all the powers of a
Council and every person employed, retained or appointed for the
purposes of the administration of this Act, a health profession
Act, the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act or the Drug Interchangeability and Dispensing Fee Act. 2009, c. 26, s. 24 (2).
Minister's directions
(11) ***The
Minister may issue one or more directions to a College supervisor
regarding any matter within the jurisdiction of the supervisor, or amend
a direction. 2009, c. 26,
s. 24 (2).
Directions to be followed
(12) A College supervisor shall carry out every direction
of the Minister. 2009, c. 26, s. 24 (2).
It disheartening to know our elected MPP’s change their
attitude one they form the government. Mr Clark has been muted by Premier Ford
who by the way.---- Dr. Rueben Devlin--------A $348,000 patronage
appointment--must be a reward for his part in covering up medical negligence
while CEO of Humber River Hospital
disappointing that Dr. Rueben Devlin is a special advisor to Premier Ford with regard
to Health He was the CEO of Humber River Hospital where my daughter underwent
surgery and later died—bled to death. Perhaps, the Premier should be asking Dr.
Devlin what his role was in covering up surgical negligence! This appointment
slaps me in the face!
bled out and died 12 hours after being discharged from hospital. Ontario
citizens, do not use Humber River Hospital nor believe what you may be told by
the Chief Coroner's Office, the CPSO, the Ontario Ombudsman, the Patient
Ombudsman, the Death Investigative Oversight Council nor the Health Professions
Review and Appeal Board. And let us not forget the FAILURE of the Ministry of
The past
Ontario Liberal Government did nothing. THE PRESENT CONSERVATIVE ONE DOES THE
SAME! They will do nothing in Health Care that would piss off the CPSO and
CMPA. There will always be adverse events, but the number could be greatly
reduced if those in authority would act. I would imagine that all provinces are
infected by the same corrupt, immoral institutions that are taxpayer funded to
promote and protect patient safety but in actuality do the opposite.
Ontario, Canada, covering up medical negligence is the number one rule for our
Politicians, the CPSO, the Chief Coroner's Office, the Death Investigative
Council, the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, the Ontario Patient
Ombudsmen, the Ontario Ombudsman, the Hospitals, the Minister and Ministry of
Health. Quite a list, and except for the CPSO, our tax dollars pay for the
Decision “The routine use of antibiotics prior to bowel surgery is an important
aspect of care that was NEGLECTED by Dr. (Laz) Klein in this case.” The CPSO
issued a secret written caution to Dr. Klein and stated that PERHAPS he MIGHT
want to CONSIDER administering the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis in THE
FUTURE when converting from minimal evasive to open surgery!
A very
dangerous precedence has been set by the CPSO, HPARB, THE CCO, THE DIOC AND THE
ONTARIO OMBUDSMAN by allowing the CPSO and HPARB decision to stand---- they can
now use my case to substantiate other citizens’ complaints should any open
surgery occur within Ontario without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis being
administered, as well as supporting the non-use of any antibiotics being
administered to a patient who has undergone open abdominal surgery (all staples
removed from the 8 inch incision) and developing an abdominal incision whereby
test results indicated the presence of “many gram negative bacilli”.
Now let's work on bringing about true transparency and accountability with Ontario's Health Care System.
So sad to see my own Member of the Provincial Parliament, Steve Clark throw away his moral and ethical integrity, when the party he belongs to regained power at Queen’s Park, in order to obtain a Ministerial position within this government. He appeared to be far more vocal during the Liberal government than now. WHY? The old standard still exists— a politician in opposition or campaigning for re-election will say and do anything but this all changes once being elected!
This was merely another “Bull shit” response.
In the morning of October 31st, 2019 Mr. Jiggens, the administrative assistant to MPP Steve Clark returned my phone call. He informed me MPP Steve Clark and Health Minister Christine Elliott could not do anything with regard to my case with both the CPSO and HPARB as it deals with an individual case--- I pointed out that there are numerous cases involving this surgeon. I told him how disappointed I was and that I do not feel this was true as the Minister does indeed have oversight over both of these institutions.
The most recent case involving this surgeons who has had multiple deaths--- far too many for a general surgeon. Ignored by the Health Minister, the Health Ministry and my MPP.
Obviously, Dr. Klein has not changed since my daughter’s death. Before reading my story, take a look at excerpts from the following HPARB decision.From an HPARB Review held on July12, 2017
Could it be that back then he was an opposition MPP and now he is a Minister in today's Government???
Did he accept his own "Quid pro Quo"? Silence for a Cabinet Minister position. ---proof is in the pudding
Mr. Steve Clark:
"I rise on behalf of a constituent whose name should be familiar to every MPP. We’re just some of the many people Arnold Kilby has written to in his quest for truth behind the death of his daughter, Terra Dawn. She died seven years ago at the age of 28, following routine surgery at Humber River Regional Hospital."
"Since that terrible day when his daughter died shortly after being discharged, Arnold has been on a mission—not for revenge, not for money. He wanted two simple things—two things he frankly should never have had to ask for, let alone wage a seven-year battle for that continues today. He wanted an admission that basic precautions weren’t taken prior to her surgery and afterwards,when it was clear something had gone terribly wrong. He also wanted what every parent would: an assurance that Terra Dawn’s death wasn’t in vain, that the mistakes made would lead to changes."
"It proved to be a mission impossible. If the seven years of hell Arnold spent trapped in an alphabet soup of agencies tells us anything, it’s that true accountability and oversight of Ontario’s medical profession exists in name only. No patient or parent should have to endure this. I commend Sun Media columnist Alan Shanoff for bringing Arnold and Terra Dawn’s story to light."
"That’s why today I’m calling on the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care and the College of Physicians and Surgeons to create a truly open and transparent medical oversight and accountability system."
And this from a few years earlier:
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Mr. Steve Clark:"The freedom of information—I have a constituent, Arnold Kilby, who I think has emailed every single, solitary one of the members of this Legislature probably 100 times. His daughter, Terra Dawn, passed away a number of years ago and he has been fighting ever since to get answers from the hospital board. He has been up against a brick wall with the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board; the College of Physicians and Surgeons has been like a brick wall to him to get answers. The Death Investigation Oversight Council—this man has tried to get answers from the hospital, from ministers. I remember he wrote the Minister of Community Safety, and the OPP came to his door questioning him about his emails. I couldn’t believe it.
All the man wants are some answers. He certainly doesn’t have the means to litigate. All he wants are some answers surrounding his daughter. I can appreciate what he has gone through with these bodies, the brick wall that he has hit, and to have further provisions removed for freedom of information at hospitals—I just don’t understand that.
In my own discussions in this House, just in the last couple of weeks, about the South East LHIN and the surgery department at Brockville General Hospital, I brought up this plan twice in the House. My critics say that I’m creating this mirage. I’ve seen the plan. A doctor shared with me the plan and shared with me the discussion around the plan. All I asked was that it be taken off the table. If I was such an extreme MPP to bring this up that it was at the far end of the spectrum, why didn’t you just take it off the table? I asked for a public meeting to take place. Well, lo and behold, I read the daily newspaper in Brockville this morning, and the headline is, “Surgery Update Heard Secretly by BGH Board.” When I see schedule 15 restricting freedom of information, and I see LHINs operating in a shroud of secrecy in a significant recommendation that would gut the surgery department, and I suggest gut the Brockville General Hospital, I have every right to bring it up as the MPP in that riding. I can’t believe, when I read the local paper, that this update by the LHIN would be held in a secret meeting with the board. I can’t understand it.”
What changed from back then to now
----- from opposition MPP to Cabinet Minister
Gee, would it be nice to hear an honest explanation!
the Health Minister, Christine
Elliott and her Ministry
failing to uphold her own responsibilities expressed in the Act. Duty of Minister3. "It is the duty of the Minister to ensure that the health professions
are regulated and co-ordinated in the public interest,
that appropriate standards of practice are developed and maintained and
that individuals have access to services provided
by the health professions of their choice and that they are treated
with sensitivity and respect in their dealings with health
professionals, the Colleges and the Board." She and the
Conservative government have also failed to ensure the College of Physicians
and Surgeons of Ontario uphold the “Objects of the College” which is expressed
within the Act.
The Regulated Health Professions
Act, Schedule 2, Section 3, sets out the objects of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO):
of College
3. (1) The College has the following objects
(emphasis added):
1. To regulate
the practice of the profession and to govern the members in accordance with the health profession Act, this Code and the
Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 and the regulations and bylaws.
develop, establish and maintain standards of qualification for
persons to be issued certificates of
develop, establish and maintain
programs and standards of practice
assure the quality of the practice of the profession.
To develop, establish
and maintain standards of knowledge and skill and
programs to promote continuing competence among the members.
develop, establish and maintain standards of professional ethics for
the members.
To develop, establish and maintain programs to assist
individuals to
exercise their rights under this Code and the Regulated
Professions Act, 1991.
To administer
the health profession Act, this Code and the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 as
it relates to the profession and to perform the other duties and exercise the
other powers that are imposed or conferred
on the College.
So sad
to see my own Member of the Provincial Parliament, Steve Clark
throw away his moral
and ethical integrity, when the party he belongs to regained power at Queen’s
Park, in order to obtain a Ministerial position within this government. He appeared to be far more vocal during the
Liberal government than now. WHY? The old standard still exists— a politician
in opposition or campaigning for re-election will say and do anything but this
all changes once being elected!
In this riding it makes no difference what or who runs for the Queen’s
Park Legislature. Even the following
would win an election here as long as they are wearing Conservative Blue!
Bob Runciman Conservative MPP from 1981 to 2910
Steve Clark Conservative MPP from 2010 to present
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Riding.
Progressive Conservative Candidate -----future MPP, the Honourable Jack Ass.
They have,
in fact become accomplices in the cover-up of medical negligence and have
therefore put patient safety at severe risk.
Once again, there is absolutely “no transparency and accountability
within Ontario’s Health Care System.
adverse events and possible deaths by this surgeon lay completely at the foot
of both Steve Clark and Christine Elliott.
Just one
of many “Standards of Care” which was not adhered to by this surgeon and
–open abdominal surgery to remove a tumor and
perform a colon resection without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis, no
anti-biotics for infected abdominal incision whereby all the staples had been
removed and not anti-biotics when test results indicated the “presence of many
gram-negative bacilli” (in same category as C Dificille) No antibiotics given during entire hospital
stay! How have the Health Minister,
Christine Elliott, my MPP, Steve Clark and the Conservative Government ensured
that the standards of care are indeed upheld???
Terra Dawn Kilby, age 28, bled to death less than 12
hours after being discharged from Humber River Hospital in Toronto.
One can only hope Karma comes to those
MPPs and other parties who failed to act!
Made: June 27, 2007
Filed: July 25, 2007
Published on e-Laws: July 27, 2007
Oath of Office
I, Steve Clark (Christine Elliott) swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my duties
as a public servant and will observe and comply with the laws of Canada
and Ontario and, except as I may be legally authorized or required, I
will not disclose or give to any person any information or document that
comes to my knowledge or possession by reason of my being a public
servant. So help me God. (Omit this phrase in an affirmation.)”
An MPP brings the
riding’s concerns and needs to the table, and will have a stronger voice
if he or she holds a high spot in the
government. Cabinet ministers hailing from specific regon will be able
to shine more light on the area.
As a representative for a particular riding, a MPP
is responsible for voicing the concerns of a specific region within
Ontario on behalf of the citizens who live within this riding.
"Defamation is
comprised of two subcategories between libel (libel refers to written
defamatory statements)and slander(broadcasting of spoken defamatory
Proving a Claim in Libel and/or Slander
"the statement must be false!"
Defences to Actions in Libel and Slander
"The first defence is the defence of truth. The defence can be made
that the statement was truthful and therefor there was nothing false
about the statement, meaning therefore, that the statement was not
"The second defence to an
allegation of libelous statement is that the statements made were made
as a fair comment. The defence of fair comment would be considered by
the Court in situations where, by looking at the statement made, the
facts and the situation, a conclusion can be made that the statements
made were in actuality a fair commentary on the situation at hand and
that the comments were fair and were not malicious."
"The defence of qualified privilege arises normally in situations where
the individual publishing these statements will escape any liability if
it can be proven that the public good could be furthered in open
debate. -- especially considering the numerous deaths which occurred
after my daughter's death and the one in Dec of 2012. Who really knows the real total being concealed by all?
Remember pathologist Dr. Smith
whose testimony removed children from parents and sent some innocent
Ontario citizens to prison before he was exposed.
(Dr. Charles Smith was long regarded as one of Canada's best
in forensic child pathology. A public inquiry was called after an
Ontario coroner's inquiry questioned Smith's conclusions in 20 of 45
child autopsies.)
I wonder how many people suspected something but failed to act??????
One must wonder how many people in my daughter's case can be seen doing the exact same thing---covering up negligence
& BREACH OF TRUST BY A PUBLIC OFFICIAL ----no their reputations
far outweigh the truth being known and the public being protected.
persons to be issued certificates of registration.
the members.
exercise their rights under this Code and the Regulated Health
Professions Act, 1991.
In this riding it makes no difference what or who runs for the Queen’s
Park Legislature. Even the following
would win an election here as long as they are wearing Conservative Blue!
Bob Runciman Conservative MPP from 1981 to 2910
Steve Clark Conservative MPP from 2010 to present
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes Riding.
Progressive Conservative Candidate -----future MPP, the Honourable Jack Ass.
They have,
in fact become accomplices in the cover-up of medical negligence and have
therefore put patient safety at severe risk.
Once again, there is absolutely “no transparency and accountability
within Ontario’s Health Care System.
adverse events and possible deaths by this surgeon lay completely at the foot
of both Steve Clark and Christine Elliott.
Just one
of many “Standards of Care” which was not adhered to by this surgeon and
–open abdominal surgery to remove a tumor and
perform a colon resection without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis, no
anti-biotics for infected abdominal incision whereby all the staples had been
removed and not anti-biotics when test results indicated the “presence of many
gram-negative bacilli” (in same category as C Dificille) No antibiotics given during entire hospital
stay! How have the Health Minister,
Christine Elliott, my MPP, Steve Clark and the Conservative Government ensured
that the standards of care are indeed upheld???
Terra Dawn Kilby, age 28, bled to death less than 12
hours after being discharged from Humber River Hospital in Toronto.
One can only hope Karma comes to those
MPPs and other parties who failed to act!
Made: June 27, 2007
Filed: July 25, 2007
Published on e-Laws: July 27, 2007
Oath of Office
I, Steve Clark (Christine Elliott) swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will faithfully discharge my duties
as a public servant and will observe and comply with the laws of Canada
and Ontario and, except as I may be legally authorized or required, I
will not disclose or give to any person any information or document that
comes to my knowledge or possession by reason of my being a public
servant. So help me God. (Omit this phrase in an affirmation.)”
An MPP brings the
riding’s concerns and needs to the table, and will have a stronger voice
if he or she holds a high spot in the
government. Cabinet ministers hailing from specific regon will be able
to shine more light on the area.
As a representative for a particular riding, a MPP
is responsible for voicing the concerns of a specific region within
Ontario on behalf of the citizens who live within this riding.
"Defamation is
comprised of two subcategories between libel (libel refers to written
defamatory statements)and slander(broadcasting of spoken defamatory
Proving a Claim in Libel and/or Slander
"the statement must be false!"
Defences to Actions in Libel and Slander
"The first defence is the defence of truth. The defence can be made
that the statement was truthful and therefor there was nothing false
about the statement, meaning therefore, that the statement was not
"The second defence to an
allegation of libelous statement is that the statements made were made
as a fair comment. The defence of fair comment would be considered by
the Court in situations where, by looking at the statement made, the
facts and the situation, a conclusion can be made that the statements
made were in actuality a fair commentary on the situation at hand and
that the comments were fair and were not malicious."
"The defence of qualified privilege arises normally in situations where
the individual publishing these statements will escape any liability if
it can be proven that the public good could be furthered in open
debate. -- especially considering the numerous deaths which occurred
after my daughter's death and the one in Dec of 2012. Who really knows the real total being concealed by all?
Remember pathologist Dr. Smith
whose testimony removed children from parents and sent some innocent
Ontario citizens to prison before he was exposed.
(Dr. Charles Smith was long regarded as one of Canada's best
in forensic child pathology. A public inquiry was called after an
Ontario coroner's inquiry questioned Smith's conclusions in 20 of 45
child autopsies.)
I wonder how many people suspected something but failed to act??????
One must wonder how many people in my daughter's case can be seen doing the exact same thing---covering up negligence
& BREACH OF TRUST BY A PUBLIC OFFICIAL ----no their reputations
far outweigh the truth being known and the public being protected.Bob Runciman Conservative MPP from 1981 to 2910
Steve Clark Conservative MPP from 2010 to present
They have,
in fact become accomplices in the cover-up of medical negligence and have
therefore put patient safety at severe risk.
Once again, there is absolutely “no transparency and accountability
within Ontario’s Health Care System.
adverse events and possible deaths by this surgeon lay completely at the foot
of both Steve Clark and Christine Elliott.
Just one
of many “Standards of Care” which was not adhered to by this surgeon and
–open abdominal surgery to remove a tumor and
perform a colon resection without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis, no
anti-biotics for infected abdominal incision whereby all the staples had been
removed and not anti-biotics when test results indicated the “presence of many
gram-negative bacilli” (in same category as C Dificille) No antibiotics given during entire hospital
stay! How have the Health Minister,
Christine Elliott, my MPP, Steve Clark and the Conservative Government ensured
that the standards of care are indeed upheld???
Terra Dawn Kilby, age 28, bled to death less than 12
hours after being discharged from Humber River Hospital in Toronto.
One can only hope Karma comes to those
MPPs and other parties who failed to act!
Made: June 27, 2007
One can only hope Karma comes to those MPPs and other parties who failed to act!
Published on e-Laws: July 27, 2007
An MPP brings the riding’s concerns and needs to the table, and will have a stronger voice if he or she holds a high spot in the government. Cabinet ministers hailing from specific regon will be able to shine more light on the area.
As a representative for a particular riding, a MPP is responsible for voicing the concerns of a specific region within Ontario on behalf of the citizens who live within this riding.
"Defamation is
comprised of two subcategories between libel (libel refers to written
defamatory statements)and slander(broadcasting of spoken defamatory
Proving a Claim in Libel and/or Slander
"the statement must be false!"
Defences to Actions in Libel and Slander
"The first defence is the defence of truth. The defence can be made
that the statement was truthful and therefor there was nothing false
about the statement, meaning therefore, that the statement was not
"The second defence to an
allegation of libelous statement is that the statements made were made
as a fair comment. The defence of fair comment would be considered by
the Court in situations where, by looking at the statement made, the
facts and the situation, a conclusion can be made that the statements
made were in actuality a fair commentary on the situation at hand and
that the comments were fair and were not malicious."
"The defence of qualified privilege arises normally in situations where
the individual publishing these statements will escape any liability if
it can be proven that the public good could be furthered in open
debate. -- especially considering the numerous deaths which occurred
after my daughter's death and the one in Dec of 2012. Who really knows the real total being concealed by all?
My MPP, Steve Clark and his office will not reply to my many e-mails since I receive the response from Health Minister, Christine Elliott, that there was nothing her office can do. This surgeon has multiple deaths after my daughter’s that has been concealed by all.
Latest bullshit response from Christine Elliott:
Office of Steve Clark, MPP
Leeds-Grenville-Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes
What is the point of passing legislation if those in authority fail to enforce the laws after enacting them?
Ms Elliott also has a responsibility with regard to Humber River Hospital
1. Humber River Regional Hospital

Barb Collins, past CCO and becane CEO after Dr. Devlin

2. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario--3 decisions
3. The Health Professions Review and Appeal Board --- 3 meetings & 3 decisions
Chief Coroner's Office of Ontario

Past Deputy Chief Coroner of Death Investigations--now CEO of Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay, Ontario

Present Chief Coroner of Ontario

Past Chief Coroner--now head of Ornge

5. The Death Investigative Oversight Councils – twice
6. The Minister and Ministry of Health
7. The Minister and Ministry of Corrections
8. The Premier of Ontario—D. McGuinty and then K. Wynne and now D. Ford
9. The Ontario Provincial Police
10. The OIPRD
11. The Ontario Ombudsman's Office ---so many times I can't count
12. P Dube, Ontario Ombudsman—met in person
13. Patient Ombudsman --This failed too!
14. All Member of the Provincial Parliament at Queen's Park in Toronto

Liberals, Conservative and NDP
Terra Dawn Kilby "An Angel In Our Lives"
April 22/78 to July 21/06
Premier of Ontario --Premier Wynne, Premier McGuinty, Premier Ford
Ontario Minsters of Health --Dr. E. Hoskins, D. Matthews, Rick Bartolucci, Christine Elliott
Ontario Ministers of Corrections --Yasir Naqvi, Madeleine Meilleur
CPSO -- Angela Bates Manager Committee Support Area Investigations and Resolutions
then Director, Regulatory Affairs at Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority no longer there and then founded her own company SIGNAL REGULATORY SOLUTIONS,
is the Conduct Director Of Ontario College Of Pharmacists.
HPARB --Chair Janice Vauthier,
Past Chair Linda Lamoureux,
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Linda Lamoureux |
Ontario Ombudsman --Paul Dube Ombudsman, A Marin-Ombudsman, Lorraine Boucher- Investigator,
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Lorraine Boucher- |
Humber River Hospital --CEO B. Collins, past CEO Rueben Devlin,
Ontario Chief Coroner’s Office --Dr. D. Huyer, Dr. A. McCallum, Dr. A. Lauwers
DIOC --Joseph C.M. James (Chair), Emily Musing (Vice-Chair), John Pearson (Vice-Chair), William (Bill) McLean, David Williams, Dorothy Cynthia (Cindy) Prince, Denise St-Jean, Fiona Smaill, Lidia Narozniak, Lori Marshall, Lucille Perreault, William (Bill) J Shearing, Michael Pollanen, Fiona Foster Manager of DIOC
Ontario Patient Ombudsman --Christine Elliott, Investigator Marie Claire Muamba
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Marie Claire Muamba |
Ontario Provincial Police --Commissioner J.V.N. (Vince) Hawkes, Inspector Bradley McCallum
OIPRD -- Director Gerry McNeilly
All the above are well aware the ordinary citizen does not have the financial means to take them on.
"Defamation is
comprised of two subcategories between libel (libel refers to written
defamatory statements)and slander(broadcasting of spoken defamatory
Proving a Claim in Libel and/or Slander
"the statement must be false!"
Defences to Actions in Libel and Slander
"The first defence is the defence of truth. The defence can be made
that the statement was truthful and therefor there was nothing false
about the statement, meaning therefore, that the statement was not
"The second defence to an
allegation of libelous statement is that the statements made were made
as a fair comment. The defence of fair comment would be considered by
the Court in situations where, by looking at the statement made, the
facts and the situation, a conclusion can be made that the statements
made were in actuality a fair commentary on the situation at hand and
that the comments were fair and were not malicious."
"The defence of qualified privilege arises normally in situations where
the individual publishing these statements will escape any liability if
it can be proven that the public good could be furthered in open
debate. -- especially considering the numerous deaths which occurred
after my daughter's death and the one in Dec of 2012. Who really knows the real total being concealed by all?
Why is it those above ignore
the consensus of surgeons around the world?Makes one wonder who they are really protecting--- the citizens of Ontario or the surgeons/hospitals and themselves.
Unless the truth is brought forward and appropriate actions are taken, they will continue to operate as they have and the Citizens of Ontario continue to lose.
Negligence (Lat. negligentia, from neglegere, to neglect, literally "not to pick up something") is a failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in like circumstances. The area of tort law known as negligence involves harm caused by carelessness, not intentional harm.
According to Jay M. Feinman of the Rutgers University School of Law, "The core idea of negligence is that people should exercise reasonable care when they act by taking account of the potential harm that they might foreseeably cause to other people."Numerous examples and proof of negligent care can be seen clearly within Terra’s medical records seen below:
From a nurse employed at HRH at the time who contacted me two years after Terra’s Death.
“I am puzzled by Narcan to be ordered for because we use Narcan only in case of overdose. I consulted with a pharmacist, just to make sure, and he also agreed with me that Narcan in her MAR sheet seems a lit bit suspicious.”
A)--have open abdominal surgery without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis
--having not had the above, accepted that there was no need for antibiotics when the abdominal incision was oozing purulent liquid and was so infected that all staples were removed--when test results showed "many gram negative bacilli", still it was quite acceptable to provide no antibiotics
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
2. Dear Mr. Kilby,
I am very sorry for your daughter. Just one question, how did you get my contact?
By the way you are telling things happened it seems to me that bowel cleansing is not mandatory although antibiotics are!
Call me if you need any help.
3. In general, bowel prep or bowel cleansing is somewhat controversial and is not absolutely considered standard-of-care and is clearly not related to bleeding. Now not giving antibiotic prophylaxis is a bit different - I think it is standard to receive antibiotics for a planned colon resection, at least in an adult. Still that would relate to a higher infection rate and is not related to bleeding. Bleeding happens during and after surgery. I hope this helped but I really do not know anything about the details. I have a daughter myself and I hope things worked out. Douglas Iddings MD
Dale D Burleson, MD
Sincerely, Daniel H. Hunt MD
6. If the situation played out as you said above, then I would have given her anti-biotic prophylaxis. I would like to know the diagnosis before the operation to be able to say if I would have had your daughter have bowel cleansing.
7. Dear Sir/Madam I am sorry to hear about your daughter's outcome. To answer your question, the colon bowel prep has been in debate for few years. Some surgeons do not feel it is necessary while others still use it. The antibiotic prophylaxis is used to prevent infection during and after surgery. As I am aware, both practices may not increase or decrease the incidence of postoperative bleeding. I hope this will answer your question and help you deal with the event. Please feel free to ask more questions. I hope that your daughter is recovering well. Sincerely; Niazy M. Selim, MD, PhD, FACS
Associate Professor of Gastrointestinal/Laparoscopic, Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery
Medical Director of Bariatric Program. Department of Surgery
8. I am sorry for your loss Usually antibiotic are given iv prior to colon surgery I hope you will find peace in your future Amelia Grover, MD
9. YES Willie Melvin MD
10. The antibiotic bowel prep the day before surgery has become controversial, but the antibiotic
within one hour of surgery that can be continued for up to 24hrs after surgery is standard of care. Your Welcome,
15. Both are standard practice for whoever undergoing elective colorectal surgery unless your daughter received an emergency surgery without time for formal bowel preparation. Once again the colonic surgery is a clean contaminated operation, routine antibiotics prophylaxis should have been given
Thanks C N TANG Dr, HKEC CSD(Accreditation & Standard) / PYNSUR Cons
16. Hi Mr. Kirby, First of all, I am sorry for your tragic loss. The use of antibiotics in colon rectal
Gregory Gallina MD
17. I am sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she came through this OK. I do not have the details of the case, and clearly this opinion is not based on the details of this case. The importance of bowel prep is currently being debated. In general IV prophylactic antibiotics given preop is indicated in colon surgery. Despite this, I doubt that the absence of bowel prep or antibiotics contributed to the bleeding episode. I hope this is helpful. Harold Kennedy MD
19. Hi Mr Kilby I am sorry for your loss. Clearly you are describing a difficult situation and it sounds like there are significant legal issues. I will only say that in the US it is considered standard of care to administer IV prophylactic antibiotics within one hour of skin incision for a clean-contaminated surgical case. Colon resection is considered a clean contaminated case. I do not know have any knowledge of the particulars involving your daughters case, nor would it be appropriate for me to be involved so these comments are in no way intended to be related to the case you are describing. I am only making a statement about what you asked with regard to prophylactic antibiotics and colon surgery.
20. Good Morning, Yes, antibiotics prophylaxis is in case of open abdominal surgery (colon resection) a routine procedure. Best Regards Dr.Tvaruzek MD
21. Yes C N TANG Dr, HKEC CSD(Accreditation & Standard) / PYNSUR Cons
22. The simple and accepted answer is yes. I am sorry for your loss
24. Mr. Kilby: The answer is yes. I would recommend an antibiotic that is effective against the common colonic flora. Perhaps for 24-48 hours starting at the time the abdominal incision is made. I wish you good luck with your crusade. hugo gomez-engler
25. Mr. Kilby, I am sorry for your loss and obvious anguish over your daughter’s death. In answer to your question, antibiotics are routinely given prior to colorectal operations, whether open or laparoscopic – but this does not prevent infections from occurring (still occur 10-20% of the time regardless of antibiotic use). There are rare circumstances where they are not advised (allergies, etc.). Best of luck, and thank you for your interest in our program. Hopefully your legal counsel will provide the support you need to get the answers you are seeking. PW Paul E. Wise, M.D., FACS Assistant Professor of Surgery Director, Vanderbilt Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Registry Vanderbilt University Medical Center D5248 MCN Nashville, TN 37232-2543 Office: (615) 343-4612 Fax: (615)
I was able to catch Dr. Parra-Davila between cases to see if he could answer your question below. ODr. Parra-Davila said yes to your question below and said it is a US guideline to follow for this procedure. Hope this helps. Penny Griggs Advanced Minimally Invasive & Bariatric Surgery ConsultantsAdministrative Assistant to Drs. Keith Kim and Eduardo Parra-Davila
28. We always used to give a bowel prep including antibiotics, but recent studies suggest a bowel prep is not necessary and results are better without a bowel prep. I doubt she died because she did not receive antibiotics. Something else must have been going on. I cannot understand why the coroner would make that statement without explaining the circumstances to you.
Adrian Greenstein, MD *********************************
29. Mr. Kilby,
I am sorry for your loss. Yes of course a patient should receive antibiotics prior to colon resection. Sanjeev Sharma MD FACS
30. Yes Sent from my iPhone Cohen, Robbin MD
31. Arnold. I am sorry hear about your daughter. What a loss. Regarding the antibiotics; I have not done colon surgery for some time but I used to give antibiotics prior. Go to the American colorectal website and see if they have an official policy. Matt Slater, MD Associate Professor Clinical Director, Adult Cardiac Surgery OHSU Sent from my iPhone
32. YES todd grehl MD
33. Just this one... yes Anthony P Furnary MD
35. Dear Arnold, The answer to your question is YES. Usually a broad spectrum antibiotics administered at the time of induction of anaesthesia. Kind regards, David Jayne MD Senior Lecturer in Surgery Leeds
36. Yes Demeester, Steven MD
37. The answer is yes.
38. Yes, she should have received "preoperative" antibiotics within One Hour if beginning operation. Whether this would have prevented her death is unclear, but infection rates are known to be significantly reduced with routine antibiotic use. I am sorry to hear about your daughter’s loss. Luis Castro. MD
39. Mr Kilby, I am sorry for your loss. OUIt seems that there's more to it than just the lack of prophylactic antibiotics that was involved. Unfortunately with every procedure, there are potential risks. I don't know the circumstances around the death of your daughter but I can most certainly feel your pain. My condolences
Alex Ky MD,FACS,FASCRS Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery 212-241-3547
40. Dear Mr. Kilby,
I am sorry for your loss, having children myself of similar age I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you. In answer to your question, bowel preparation and Oadministration of antibiotics for prophylaxis prior to surgery have been a standard of care in surgery for at least 25 years. UIn my opinion you have every reason to deserve frank answers about what happened to your daughter. Cases involving perioperative death are always reviewed by hospital morbidity/mortality committees, as well.
Regards, Douglas Boyd Professor of Surgery University of California Davis
41. Yes the colon should be cleaned and antibiotic started prophilactically
Sent from my iPhone HOMAYOON Ganji
42. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? Definitely yes. Usually the day of surgery, and at least an hour before surgery. Long, William :LPH Dir. Tra
43. It is the standard in the United States to give prophylactic antibiotics within one hour of surgery. Ismael N. Nuno, MD, FACS, FACC, FAHA.
Chief, Cardiac Surgery Service LAC+USC Medical Center TEL: (323) 409-8666
44. Dear Mr. Kilby, Your anger I share, and your unresolved grief is palpable. I have tangled and lost with a family medical issue in Victoria, which still angers me. That was five years or so ago, and fortunately I have moved on to the point where it is just a bullet point in the list of reasons to keep our own medical system as it now stands. I wish truly that I could be of more help with the resolution of your problem, and also that time will allow you to move on. Cord Cordell H. Bahn MD
45. I am very sorry for your loss. It is generally advisable to administer antibiotics just prior to skin incision. Tara Karamlou MD Sent from my iPhone
46. Hi - sorry to hear about this sad case....It is tragic and nothing in life is perfect.
God willing and with some luck and fate, we will conquer. Best to you. Ed Yee MD
PS: pre-operative antibiotics for "clean contaminated" cases are usually recommended...
47. The standard of care in the US is for patients undergoing any surgery is antibiotics within 1 hr of surgery, and for 24 hrs after surgery. This applies to clean and dirty procedures. Clean procedures referring to procedures where bacteria are not normally involved other than skin bacteria, and dirty procedures where bacteria are normally in-countered such as bowel surgery (colon surgery), gyn surgery, and oral surgery Your daughter should have had pre-op and peri-operative antibiotics.
48. Arnold I am a retired cardiothoracic surgeon who is board certified in general surgery and thoracic surgery. I can't comment on your daughter's case without the record and autopsy report but Othere is no doubt she should have been given pre-operative and post operative antibiotics. Was this the cause of her death, that I can't say without more information. I am sorry for your loss. Mike Perelman MD
49. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? Yes
51. Mr. Kilby, My sincere condolences on the loss of your daughter. You are correct that I am not a general surgeon Obut I know that it is the accepted procedure to use prophylactic antibiotic coverage for colon surgery in the hospital where I work here in Denver, CO. I believe that is true throughout the US. UIt is disheartening to hear of the lack of transparency on the part of the medical / governmental establishment in the Canadian health care system. Unfortunately, thanks to our socialist president we in the US are probably headed for a similar fate. It sounds like your daughter died of peri-operative sepsis. Prophylactic antibiotics were indicated but that treatment does not prevent this complication in 100% of cases. In all likelihood it would have reduced the probability of such a tragic outcome. Good luck in your struggle to obtain justice for your daughter.
52. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? Absolutely. HP MD
53. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? My answer is unequivocally YES I have no pressures from any organization. BBRoe Benson Roe
I would suggest that you look up the US Medicare SQIP Protocol (Surgical Quality Improvement Project) to review the current recommendations for antibiotic prophylaxis for colon resections in this country. Generally, it restricts antibiotic prophylaxis to a single pre-op dose, and less than 24 hours of coverage post-op. Antibiotic bowel preps have also fallen out of favor. Antibiotic use beyond 24 hours is only recommended for treatment of infections that are either suspected or known.
I do think it is fair to say that a preoperative antibiotic dose for a colon resection is the standard of care in this country. Whether or not it would have made any difference for your daughter is problematic, absent a proper record review. Even then, it may be difficult to be certain that the omission was causal in her death.
I am sorry for your loss. I help this will eventually help you gain some closure.
57. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation?
58. AK: The standard of practice for prevention of wound infection in colon surgery is to use prophylactic antibiotics. The description of your ordeal following your daughter’s death suggests that a satisfactory closure will only be achieved by thinking outside the box. You are correct in your assessment of the constraints of the legal response to malfeasance. Novelists, magazine writers, television inquiry shows and personally committed politicians are the alternative methods of casting light into sordid corners. Who asked you to write me?
59. Mr Kilby, I have no idea how the Canadian system works and I have to preface my remarks with the comment that I obviously only have your side of this story. Also, I am a pediatric heart surgeon so your daughter's case is not within my area of expertise. In the US this would have been settled or tried in court. I would think antibiotic prophylaxis for colorectal surgery is routine and indicated - at least 15 years ago when I last did general surgery. Without seeing the facts I cannot determine if this played an important part in the unfortunate outcome for your daughter. I have great sympathy for you and the lack of transparency you describe is alarming. If I were in your shoes I would sue.
60. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation?
64. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation?
65. We still adhere to the fact that patients should have a dose of antibiotics at the time of surgery for most colorectal procedures especially those involving a resection. Some hospitals give up to three doses as prophylaxis, although there is no evidence for this.
71. I am very sorry for your loss. I am sure the wounds are still very painful 4 years later. The short answer to your question is that, yes, antibiotics should be given prior to colon surgery (and most other surgeries for that matter). UThe discharge of somebody with abdominal distention who had undergone a wound packing for infection also seems well below acceptable standards here in the US. Usually if abdominal distention arises post op the etiology of that distention needs to be sought prior to discharge.
74. Dear Mr Kilby: I have looked over some of the material about your daughter. I am certified in surgery and thoracic and cardiac surgery. I trained at UCLA (mostly, also U of Minnesota Hospital and Johns Hopkins). I don't currently see patients, but review cases for the Arizona Medical Board. The big problem is apparently not cleaning the colon with laxatives or enema prior to surgery. Antibiotics don't help and likely are contra indicated. I can find specific references at eh our medical school. Feel free to contact me
77. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation
It is standard of care in the United States that all patients undergoing bowel surgery should receive pre-operative prophylactic antibiotics at least 20 min before the incision is made. As a cardiothoracic surgeon, I do a fair amount of esophageal surgery. The same rule applies in regards to this issue. Sincerely, MPC
ChiefIntermountain Medical Center LDS Hospital and, Division of General Thoracic Surgery Clinical Professor of Surgery Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University of Utah School of Medicine
Sorry for your sorrow.
82. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? The answer to your question is "yes". I am so sorry to hear of your heart break! Hendrick Barner MD
86. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation?
87. Dear Mr. Arnold,
Sincerely, Paul Kirshbom, MD Emory University School of Medicine
88. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? In answer to your question, she should have received prophylactic antibiotics and a bowel prep prior to surgery.
89. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? OAbsolutely yes, it is malpractice not to! Sorry about your loss. Regards, Luca A. Vricella, MD, FACS Associate Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics Johns Hopkins University
90. I assume this was an elective (i.e. not an emergency) colon resection. In the United States, the practice is to perform at least a mechanical bowel prep before an elective colon resection and in all circumstances perioperative antibiotics are given, usually prior to the incision. The duration of antibiotic administration depends somewhat on what is found at operation, but in most circumstances they are stopped not later than 48 hours post-op. I hope this is helpful and am sorry for your terrible loss.
91. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation? Yes Peter M. Scholz, MD & James W. Mackenzie Professor of Surgery Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research Department of Surgery UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
92. Should a patient undergoing colon resection via open abdominal surgery be given anti-biotic prophylaxis prior to commencing the operation?
Sir Bruce Keogh NHS Medical Director Message sent from a Blackberry handheld device.
99. Mr. Kilby
I feel for your sorrow and please accept my sincere feelings. As a cardiothoracic surgeon, it is not appropriate for me to answer a question regarding abdominal surgery. However, I support using of prophylactic antibiotics before major surgery. Sertac Cicek, MD
Generally speaking, pts undergoing colon surgery should receive intravenous antibiotics within 60 minutes prior to their incision. The specific goal is to prevent wound infection-the antibiotics do not seem to decrease the incidence of any other surgical complication (such as a leak or abscess). Again, my sincerest sympathies
Best of luck. RL Whelan
103. Receiving ATBs preoperatively before an abdominal surgery is a standard of care. Regards feza
Again, my condolences to you and your family. You are experiencing tragedy of the first order, and it always pains me especially when such stories come at the hands of intelligent, well-motivated surgeons who are charged above all to "do no harm" (primum non nocere).
Sincerely yours, Mark Helbraun, MD, FASCRS
Most colo-rectal surgeons will prepare the colon and give pre operative antibiotics. But this will not prevent a technical suture problem. The autopsy report should have those details. The operative report should help.
Antibiotics with activity against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria need to be given parenterally in the peri-operative period alone. Their post-operative use should be restricted to cases with established infection. Pre-operative oral antibiotics may have an added
Adjunct Lecturer Office of International Surgery
University of Toronto Canada
Professor of Surgery, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
Mayo Clinic, AZ
5777 E Mayo Blvd Phoenix, AZ 85054 Phone: 480-342-2697 Fax: 480-342-2866
Surgeon-in-Chief, Children's Hospital of Richmond
Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
PO Box 980015
Richmond, VA 23298-0015
Office (804) 828-3500
Matthew M. Cooper, MD FACs
Good luck with your appeal if that is the direction you chose…………….Moe Lyons MD FACS
I am very sorry for your loss. I am sure the wounds are still very painful 4 years later. The short answer to your question is that, yes, antibiotics should be given prior to colon surgery (and most other surgeries for that matter).
The discharge of somebody with abdominal distention who had undergone a wound packing for infection also seems well below acceptable standards here in the US. Usually if abdominal distention arises post op the etiology of that distention needs to be sought prior to discharge. Having said all of that it the lawyers for the doctors are correct; medicine is an art (sometimes performed very poorly) not a science. See the SCIP initiatives available online (Google SCIP initiatives) to better understand when, and what type of antibiotics are recommended prior to colon surgery. Good luck with your inquiry and again I'm sorry for your loss......................
Moe Lyons, Maurice Lyons,
D. Dear Mr. Kilby, I just read through the attachment, and I recall reading your prior email.
My personal opinion is that your daughter died of septic shock related to dehiscence of her bowel anastomosis complicated by acute hemorrhage.
Apparent lapses in care are:
1) Lack of peri-operative antibiotics (I am not a general surgeon and do not know if this fails to meet standard care for right colon surgery).
2) Discharging your daughter with ongoing diarrhea of unexplained etiology,
3) Prolonged period of inadequate nutrition,
4) Nursing records that appear to be at odds with the physician record of the abdominal exam,
5) Failure to distinguish the intra-abdominal catastrophe from the wound infection.
It is self-evident that she was discharged prematurely or she would not have died outside the hospital of a devastating post-operative complication.
The big questions are: would a reasonable general surgeon have acted differently, and did her surgeon practice according to the standard of care – I seriously doubt that he did and I think a good surgeon would have done a more thorough investigation prior to discharge.
Things to consider:
1. The low hematocrit prior to discharge is not evidence of malpractice as this is common with acute illness such as what your daughter exhibited.
2. It would be interesting to see if there was a platelet count prior to discharge.
3. The temperature curves and the reported abdominal fullness are concerns that seem discounted by the College assessment.
As I told you previously, I am a father of an almost 3 year old girl and I now have a 6 month old son and a 4 year old son. I cannot imagine losing any of them particularly in such circumstances. Only you can decide if your quest for justice is worth further fight. I do not understand the Canadian system, so I cannot judge. Your case would be helped if you could find a Colorectal surgeon to review it. Unfortunately, most surgeons would not take interest and I do not personally know anyone who can help you. I do wish you the best and I hope that at some phase you can find peace.
Max Mitchell MD FACS
E. It sounds like your daughter did not receive the appropriate standard of care. Patients undergoing colon resection (if not an emergency), should receive colonic cleansing pre-op. Additionally, all patients undergoing surgery should receive pre-operative antibiotics. “It does not seem that her nutritional supplementation was adequate. Finally, it seems that she was discharged while still infected.” I'm sorry to hear about the death of your daughter. A parent should never lose a child. Allan Stewart MD ***********************************************************
F. Dear Mr. Kirby: From what I remember and my review of the information you sent me my opinion is that your daughter received suboptimal care approaching malpractice-at least by US standards. I would have to assume that Canadian standards are equivalent to US standards but from the response I read perhaps they are not.
Best wishes, Steven J. Phillips, MD FACS
I. Hello Mr. Kilby, It is very difficult to comment sufficiently on your question. There are just so many issues that I may not be aware of and questions that would need to be answered to give you an adequate answer to your question. I can say that for many years I have encouraged patients to build themselves up prior to surgery and to begin using amino acids as soon as possible after surgery. And I have given amino acids to patients so they can begin using them as soon as possible since I do not agree with the often followed practice of near fasting for patients after surgery - the body needs the amino acids to begin the healing process.
I am really sorry to hear of your daughter's case and I am so sorry for your loss. I do hope that someday physicians will be more proactive about improving their patient's nutritional status before and after surgery. I am not optimistic given the general disregard for nutrition that exists anyway. God bless you, Roger Roger Trubey Dr PH, MPH, ND
You are welcome, Arnold. All I can say is that here in the States you would have a solid case for litigation. I don't encourage frivolous lawsuits or ambulance chasing but some cases can be so egregious that the only way hospitals and physicians will learn is to pay for their mistakes with the hope that the pain is such that it will save others from your daughter's fate.
God bless you, Roger *********************************************************************
J. The nutritional aspect is contributory in that with a prolonged postoperative ileus, supplemental nutrition should reasonably have been considered.
Matthew M. Cooper, MD FACs
Mr. Kilby: I looked over the materials you sent. I am once again sincerely sorry for your loss and trust that your daughter will live on in your hearts and thoughts. There are several items here that in combination raise concern. Individually, they may have been overlooked as insignificant. Further, hindsight may allow piecing together a potential pattern that may not have been detected as they occurred.
Were peri-operative prophylactic antibiotics administered? There is a suggestion that they may not have been.
1. It is standard of care to do so for a limited time around the time of operation.
2. I am concerned about the description of the abdominal examination progressing from "rounded" to "large" in the context of no clear normalization of bowel function. Is that to be interpreted as a distended abdomen? Were there normal bowel sounds? Was flatus present indicative of returning function? Or was there a postoperative ileus? If function was not returning normally in the presence of a progressively distending abdomen, that should raise concerns that might require imaging of the abdomen but certainly resolution prior to discharge.
3. The nutritional aspect is contributory in that with a prolonged postoperative ileus, supplemental nutrition should reasonably have been considered.
4. Such a bleeding complication after such surgery is certainly a possibility but should be exceedingly rare. If, as you suggest, your daughter's complications were part of a series of such problems then, indeed, a system or operator issue is suggested which satisfies the stated requirement for a complete investigation.
If I were in your place, I would do the following:
1. Contact the American Board of Surgery to see if they have an Expert Review Panel to which you could send this case for review.
2. Canada must have a physician licensing board to whom the above questions could be raised - particular to your daughter's care as well as the potential system issues.
3. If you have not already, you may address these questions to your daughter's surgeon. Keep a paper trail of the questions, and the response.
Matthew M. Cooper, MD FACs *********************************************************
K. “The discharge of somebody with abdominal distention who had undergone a wound packing for infection also seems well below acceptable standards here in the US. Usually if abdominal distention arises post op the etiology of that distention needs to be sought prior to discharge.” Paul Kirshbom, MD Emory University School of Medicine **********************************************************************
L. “If there is a documented infection it is mandatory to treat it with antibiotics”
Wendel Smith, M.D *********************************************************
M. “Your daughter needed pre-op antibiotics, post-op antibiotics, and antibiotics when a wound infection occurred. I think that she needed to have a bowel movement prior to discharge. We do this for our cardiac patients and they have not had any bowel procedures. Bleeding from a stapled anastomosis that leads to hemorrhage shock and death seems a little unusual. I see negligence in this case” Ron Hill, MD, FACS *************************************************************
N. What troubles me from the material you sent is the expert's/ coroner's opinions as to the cause of death. Patients do not die from bleeding at the staple line of an intestinal anastomosis. When such bleeding occurs, it is manifested by significant BLEEDING PER RECTUM, which to my knowledge your daughter did NOT demonstrate. If she died of "intraperitoneal bleeding", that could have come from either a disrupted anastomosis or from larger blood vessels ligated during the resection of the mesenteric cyst and her right colon.
If indeed her abdomen was distending, and her pulse rate rising over an observable period of time, then the really important issue was why was she not rushed back into the operating room when it was clear that an intra-abdominal catastrophe was occurring? I would agree that CAT scans are not necessary to establish an emergency situation, so what was the time delay between what her condition was upon discharge until she was brought back to the hospital? I think it more likely you would get more useful information from the dictated operative report from her original surgery, from personal review of her medical records to see what her condition was when leading up to her discharge, and from the coroner's report of the autopsy findings.
Anastomotic disruption following a RIGHT colon resection is quite rare actually, and the range stated in the expert's report probably reflects the overall leakage rate from ALL colon anastomoses. Such leakage/disruption is much more common in lower (or "distal") anastomoses, closer to the rectum. If her anastomosis did "disrupt", as alluded to, then it is usually a TECHNICAL ERROR on the part of the operating surgeon, especially because of the young age and apparently excellent former health of the patient. If there is sufficient proof of the above, then an investigation of the surgeon's performance both in this case and others might lead to "systemic" issues which deserve correction.
The main thrust of such investigations should be prevention of similar outcomes, with a willingness to confront all the causative factors, including surgeons' performances. I hope the above clarifies your thinking, from an insider's perspective. Please let me know your thoughts.
yours sincerely, Mark Helbraun, MD, FASCRS
Hello again Mr. Kilby: Now you are getting to the important issues in this case! If indeed she died 12 hours after discharge, then the emphasis in your investigation should focus on what was happening to your daughter in the 24 hours prior to discharge from the hospital.It is inconceivable to me that the autopsy report would not contain more detail than what you have given me regarding the status of her ileal-to-colonic anastomosis, since that would be the area that would demonstrate what (if any) disruption of the bowel occurred.
Since there was "no rectal bleeding" prior to discharge, what bleeding she was having would have been intra-abdominal, and if those counts were falling in the hours prior to discharge, that also should have sent up red flags of warning to anyone who was paying attention. The time plot becomes critical to reconstructing events in a fair and honest way. Again, look carefully at the autopsy results, the operative note, and the version of events leading up to discharge that you have been given. I suspect you would agree that there is a more fitting memorial to your daughter than a garden, and that memorial would be a living, breathing accountability system which would ensure that events like what occurred to Terra would never happen again. These are sometimes called "never events" in our system here, and they are investigated to the maximum. Keep me posted.....
Mark Helbraun MD, FASCRS Mark Helbraun, MD, FASCRS Member of the 2010-2011 International Council of Coloproctology 35 years experience Academic Colon & Rectal Spec Hackensack, NJ Hackensack University Medical Holy Name Hospital Holy Name Hospital, Teaneck, NJ Hackensack University Medical Center, Hackensack
O. Dear Mr. Kilby, Based only on the information you have provided I find it difficult to justify what appears to be a "whitewash" of the patient's cause of death. The points you have raised are--in my opinion--legitimate reasons to question the validity of classifying her death as "natural" and would support your complaint of inadequate investigation. She unmistakably died of surgical complications that were arguably survivable with less flawed management. Under ordinary circumstances I would be willing to consider testifying on your behalf after undertaking an appropriate first-hand examination of the records. Please accept my regrets and best wishes.
Benson B.Roe, MD,FACS, Professor Emeritus. Department of Surgery, University of California at San Francisco Medical Center
--the enlarged abdomen?---That is a sign of something wrong.
Abdominal Distension may occasionally result from the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, which can be a sign of a very serious medical problem. In the peritoneal cavity, distention may reflect acute bleeding, accumulation of ascitic fluid (Ascites is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.), or air
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
C) Abdomen and Resting Pulse Rates Nursing Records
Description of Terra’s Abdomen high pulse rate? 34/38 above 90
1. July 11th
1630 flat 106
1709 98
1730 101
2000 flat 104
2. July 12th
0800 flat 116
2000 103
3. July 13th
1615 rounded 102
2100 rounded
2015 rounded 107
4. July 14th
1200 rounded 95
1500 rounded 117
1600 rounded
1857 rounded
2000 rounded 110
5. July 15th
1300 rounded
1800 rounded 108
2107 rounded
6. July 16th
1310 rounded 96
2000 large 102
7. July 17th
1437 98
2200 large 108
8. July 18th
1000 large 86
1510 large
1600 large 90
2000 large 85
9 July 19th
10. July 20th
D)**HCT Hematocrit Count Ref. 0.36 to 0.48
July 18 0.35
Day 6 0.35
Day 4 0.32 All 5 tests are below normal
Day 3 0.32 range
Day 2 0.34
Decreased hematocrit indicates anemia, such as that caused by iron deficiency or other deficiencies. Further testing may be necessary to determine the exact cause of the anemia.
Other conditions that can result in a low hematocrit include vitamin or mineral deficiencies, recent bleeding etc
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
E)*RBC Red Blood Count Ref. 4.20-5.40
July 18 4.20
Day 6 4.16
Day 4 3.80 1 test at well low of normal range &
Day 3 3.78 other 4 below normal range
Day 2 3.95
Red Blood Cells, sometimes referred to as erythrocytes, are responsible for delivering oxygen throughout the body.
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
F)**ABS LYMPH# Absolute Lymphocytes Count Ref. 1.5 - 4.0
July 18 0.9
Day 6 0.7
Day 4 0.5 All 5 tests are well below
Day 3 0.8 normal range
Day 2 1.0
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
G)**many PMN’s (polymorphonuclear Neutrophils) –? hall mark of acute inflammatory process. The presence of many PMN’s implies an inflammatory process.
PMN’s are the hallmark of acute inflammation
PMN’s are rapidly recruited to tissues upon injury or infection
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
H)**low Absolute Lymphocyte (type of white cells to fight infection)? B cells, a type of lymphocyte (white blood cells), have an important role in the body's immune system. are responsible for making antibodies
T cells, a type of lymphocyte (white blood cells), have an important role in the body's immune system. enhance the production of antibodies by B cell
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
I)**HB Hemoglobin Ref. 120-160
July 18 119
Day 6 117
Day 4 107
Day 3 106
The vital role of hemoglobin in transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body is derived from its unique ability to acquire oxygen rapidly during the short time it spends in contact with the lungs and to release oxygen as needed during its circulation through the tissue
This is apparently of no concern to the CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
Individually, perhaps the test scores may be dismissed but collectively there is an indication of something going wrong and required further investigation!
J)** seriousness of the oozing, infected abdominal incision. Excessive or prolonged serosanguineous drainage could indicate increased inflammation and the possibility of infection, which could in turn lead to wound dehiscence. This is what happened to Terra, her resection broke down.
July 15th
Page 109 853 hrs incision oozing
Page 103 1430 foul odour
Page 98 2000 site #1 leaking
Page 94 2152 foul odour
July 16th
Page 86 1030 foul odour
Page 83 1310 no odour, but larger purulent foul drainage from the umbilicus
Page 78 2000 no odour, but larger purulent foul drainage from the umbilicus
Page 76 2200 foul odour
July 17th
Page 74 0445 foul odour
Page 73 0630 foul odour
Page 71 0700 no odour but large purulent foul drainage from umbilicus
Page 66 1400 large amount of drainage from umbilicus
Page 65 1700 foul odour
July 18th
Page 62 0045 foul odour
Page 60 0900 foul odour
Page 58 1300 foul odour
Page 56 1560 7 staples removed — wound gaping wound oozing copious amount of purulent fluid
Page 55 1600 oozing incision
July 19th
Page 51 0815 foul odour
Page 49 0925 wound oozing copious amount of purulent fluid
Page 48 1500 foul odour
Page 45 1957 oozing incision
Page 44 2100 foul odour
July 20th
Page 43 0039 oozing incision
Page 41 0800 oozing incision
Terra was
This is apparently of no concern to the
CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
K)**no nutritional
supplementation to ensure her nutritional needs were met. Terra
was on a liquid diet of juice, jello, brothe and tea for 8 ½ days. (last two
meals were regular) This diet should not be used for a long period of time
unless vitamins, iron, or liquid nutritional supplements are added. Terra
received no nutritional supplements. She was receiving only 687 calories per
day that equates to a starvation diet. With no nutritional supplementation!!!!!
The full liquid diet is low in iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A, and
thiamine. It should not be used for a long period of time unless vitamins,
iron, or liquid nutritional supplements are added. The full liquid diet does
not provide enough energy, protein and many other nutrients. This diet is
temporary and should not be used for more than 5 days
TAKEN FROM USDA National Nutrient
Database for Standard References 2004
IRON INTAKE! Iron is required for the formation of
haemoglobin in red blood cells, which transport oxygen around the body. Iron is
also required for normal energy metabolism
1. Iron Deficiency = The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult
female for Iron is 18 mg/day
Terra’s diet contained: Jello .01 mg Tea .02 mg Broth .06
mg Juice .92 mg
Terra would have received 3.03 (16.8%) mg per day in the course of her
3 daily meals. This means she was lacking 14.97 mg per day!
K is not readily stored within the body, thus the importance of the daily
requirement. The over riding effect of nutritional Vitamin K deficiency is to
tip the balance in coagulation toward a bleeding tendency.
2. Potassium Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 90 micrograms of Vitamin K per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mcg Tea 0 mcg Broth 0.2
mcg Juice 0 mcg
Terra would have received .6 (point 6) (.7%) mcg in the course of her
3 daily meals. This means she was lacking 89.4 mcg daily!
a healthy immune system, energy metabolism and protein synthesis
3. Magnesium Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 255 mg/day (milligrams) of Magnesium per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 1 mg Tea 5 mg Broth 0 – 3
mg Juice 12 mg
Terra would have received 63 (25%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 192 mg daily!
E is the major lipid-soluble antioxidant in the cell antioxidant defence system
and is exclusively obtained from the diet.
Vitamin E significantly strengthens the immune system; supplies
oxygen to the blood, which is then carried to the heart and other organs.
4. Vitamin E Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 15 mg (milligrams) of Vitamin E per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea 0 mg Broth .13
mg Juice .02 mg
Terra would have received .45 (.03%) mg in the course of her 3 daily meals.
This means she was lacking 14.55 mg daily!
coagulation is dependant on calcium.
5. Calcium Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 1000 mg/day (milligrams) of Calcium per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 4 mg Tea 0 mg Broth 4
mg Juice 20 mg
Terra would have received 73 (.73%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 927 mg daily!
is also required for cell differentiation and therefore for normal growth and
development, and for normal vision and for the immune system.
6. Vitamin A Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 700 mg/day (milligrams) of Vitamin A per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea 0 mg Broth
0 mg Juice 2.5 mg
Terra would have received 7.5 (.01%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 682.5 mg daily!
the body in the production of collagen, a basic component of connective
tissues. Collagen is an important structural element in blood vessel walls,
gums, and bones, making it particularly important to those recovering from
wounds and surgery.
IMPORTANT: Inflammation in the tissues causes the
breakdown and destruction of collagen fibers.
Sutures will pull away from damaged tissues whether the tissues are
damaged by disease or medical negligence. Any infected tissue which is
separated by surgery will be slow to heal, or may fail to heal.
7. Vitamin C Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 75 mg/day (milligrams) of Vitamin C per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea 0 mg Broth 0
mg Juice 2.2 mg
Terra would have received 6.6 (9%) mg in the course of her 3 daily meals.
This means she was lacking 68.4 mg daily!
8. Dietary Fibre Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by
an adult female is 25 mg/day (milligrams) of Dietary Fibre per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea 0 mg Broth 0
mg Juice .5 mg
Terra would have received 1.5 (6%)mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 23.5 mg daily!
against infection, and enhances the immune system;
9. Phosphorus Deficiency =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 700 mg/day (milligrams) of Phosphorus per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 30 mg Tea 2 mg Broth 19
mg Juice 17 mg
Terra would have received 204 (29.1%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 496 mg daily!
against infection, and enhances the immune system; Zinc is also required in
wound healing.
10. Zinc =The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult female is 8
mg/day (milligrams) of Zinc per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello .01 mg Tea .04 mg Broth .36
mg Juice .05 mg
Terra would have received 1.38 (17.3%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 6.62 mg daily!
for the formation of red blood cells and body needs copper to be able to use
iron properly.
11. Copper =The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult female is
900 Β΅g/day (microgram mcg) of Copper per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello .032 Β΅g Tea .018 Β΅g Broth .246
Β΅g Juice .030 Β΅g
Terra would have received .978 Β΅g (microgram) in the course of her 3
daily meals. This means she was lacking 899.022 Β΅g daily!
immune function and infection prevention, and selenium deficiency has been
reported in patients after intestinal surgery
12. Selenium =The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult female
is 55 mg/day (milligrams) of Selenium per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 1.5 mg Tea 0 mg Broth 1.7
mg Juice .2 mg
Terra would have received 10.2 (18.5%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 44.8 mg daily!
of its constant demand and limited storage thiamine is required daily. enhances
circulation, assists in blood formation, carbohydrate metabolism and digestion;
plays a key role in generating energy acts as an anti-oxidant, protecting the
body from degenerative effects
13. Thiamin =The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult female
is 1.1 mg/day (milligrams) of Thiamin per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea 0 mg Broth .004
mg Juice .052 mg
Terra would have received .168 (15.3%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking .932 mg daily!
Thiamine is an essential coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism. Because of its
constant demand and limited storage thiamine is required daily.
for red blood cell formation, anti-body production, cell respiration, and
Riboflavin =The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult female is
1.1 mg/day (milligrams) of Riboflavin per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello .008 mg Tea .025 mg Broth .015
mg. Juice .042 mg
Terra would have received .09 (8.2%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
This means she was lacking 1.01 mg daily!
15. LACKING 80.9%
OF TOTAL DAILY NIACIN INTAKE! the maintenance of the
gastrointestinal tract. It is required for the release of energy from food
B6, also called pyridoxine, is essential in the breakdown of carbohydrates,
proteins and fats. Pyridoxine is also used in the production of red blood
16. Vitamin B-6 =The recommended dietary allowance required by an adult
female is 1.3 mg/day (milligrams) of Vitamin B-6 per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea .002 mg Broth .024
mg Juice .045 mg
Terra would have received .213 (16.4%) mg in the course of her 3 daily
meals. This means she was lacking 1.087 mg daily!
INTAKE! Helps in the formation of red blood cells
Vitamin B12 deficiency impairs the body’s ability to make blood, accelerates
blood cell destruction
17. Vitamin B-12 =The recommended dietary allowance required by an
adult female is 2.4 mg/day (milligrams) of Vitamin B-12 per day.
Terra’s diet contained: Jello 0 mg Tea 0 mg Broth 0
mg Juice 0 mg
Terra would have received 0 mg in the course of her 3 daily meals.
This means she was lacking 2.4 mg daily!
Calorie intake for a Female at
Terra’s weight
Daily Requirement
Sedentary 1,816 - 1,982 Carbohydrates 130 grams per day
Low Active 2,016 - 2,202 Protein 46 grams per day
Active 2,267 - 2,477
Very Active 2,567 - 2,807
Jello 84 calories 19.16 g carbohydrates 1.65 g protein
Tea 2 calories .53 g carbohydrates 0 g protein
Broth 29 calories 1.76 g carbohydrates 5.35 g protein
Juice 114 calories 28.2 g carbohydrates .25 g protein
Total = 687 calories 148.95 g carbohydrates 21.75 g protein
Protein = Terra was lacking 21.75 g of protein per
Terra was only consuming 687
calories daily. A starvation diet is listed as below 1200.
LIQUID DIET FOR THE DAY.* A starvation diet
(Starvation diets (less than 800 calories per day) does not mean the absence of
food. It means cutting the total caloric intake to less than 50% of what the
body requires.
depletion has been demonstrated to be a major determinant of the development of
post-operative complications. Gastrointestinal surgery patients are at risk of
nutritional depletion from inadequate nutritional intake and surgical stress.
All is apparently of no concern to the
CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS"
Many species of Gram-negative bacteria are: pathogenic, meaning
they can cause disease in a host organism. This pathogenic capability is
usually associated with certain components of gram-negative cell walls, in
particular the lipopoysaccharide (also known as LPS or endotoxin layer). The
LPS is the trigger, which the body’s innate immune response receptors sense to
begin a cytokine reaction. It is toxic to the host.
Gram-negative bacteremia is today's hospital scourge. Although
antibody prophylaxis does not lower the infection rate, it prevents the serious
consequences of gram-negative infections and thus improved the overall
Did the expert ever consider endotoxin shock due
to release of endotoxins by gram-negative bacteria? Or hematogenic shock which
is the loss of fluid from the circulating blood volume, so that adequate
circulation to all parts of the body cannot be maintained. This results in
reduction of oxygen transported to the tissues thus explaining the necrosis of the tissue surrounding the resectioned
colon. ---according to the autopsy
This is apparently of no concern to the
CPSO, HPARB, the Hospital and the Chief Coroner's Office! "BS
Breathing It should be noted
that Terra’s breathing to the most part indicated concern. (see hospital
records) Also comments regarding eating.
July 11
1133 short of breath on exertion, occasional cough
July 12
0000 eupnea, air entry decreased,
occasional cough
800 eupnea, air entry decreased,
short of breath on exertion
1300 eupnea, air entry decreased,
1605 nutrition—probably inadequate
1605 eupnea, air entry decreased,
July 13
820 short of breath on exertion, occasional cough
1130 eupnea, air entry decreased,
short of breath on exertion
0415 not tolerating current diet,
shortness of breath on exertion
1615 eupnea, decreased air entry –
lower lobes
1730 not tolerating current diet,
July 14
0500 eupnea, decreased air entry –
lower lobes, shortness of breath on exertion
815 eupnea, decreased air entry –
lower lobes, occasional cough
1200 eupnea, decreased air entry – lower lobes, cough in am
1338 ate about half of what was served
1856 eupnea, decreased lower lobe
2000 not able to clear airway of
secretion, eupnea, decreased air entry – lower
lobes, oxygen delivered nasal
July 15
0530 eupnea, decreased air entry – lower
lobes, oxygen delivered nasal,
0910 air entry decreased – lower lobes,
not able to clear airway of secretion,
1300 air entry decreased – lower lobes,
not able to clear airway of secretion
July 16
0530 oxygen delivery – room air
0830 not tolerating current diet,
nausea, save tray to try and eat later
0835 eupnea, decreased air entry – lower
1310 eupnea, decreased air entry – lower
2000 unable to clear airway of
secretion, oxygen delivery – room air
July 17
0700 oxygen delivery – room air
0800 not able to clear airway of
secretion, eupnea, decreased air entry – lower lobes,
0900 not tolerating current diet, does not
normally eat in morning, save tray to try and eat later
1400 eupnea, decreased air entry – lower
According to the records from 2200, July 17 through to Terra’s
release, it appears there was no difficulty with her breathing and eating her
liquid diet
Definition of eupnea --normal, good, unlaboured
ventilation, sometimes known as quiet breathing or resting respiration
HOW WOULD ANYONE BE ABLE TO READ HIS NOTES? A transcribe version is seen further below.—I
have no idea if the written scribble matches the typed version. |
Inadequate and meaningless physician
progress notes.
Physician must write their progress note in SOAP system [ CPSO requires that all physician's note
to be written in SOAP method.
S: subjective, means what
patient is telling me
O: Objective, what I
A: assessment, vital signs
and physical assessment,
P: Plan, what I am going
to do for this patient in order to address her complaints and her abnormal
physical findings]
Surgeon’s Daily Records
dated Nov 14/07 to Dr Klein from the College
“Upon review of the above file, I note that some of your
records are not legible and do
not meet the College’s expectation that records can be interpreted by the
average health care professional.”
“Would you please provide a typed transcription of the
enclosed records? Additionally, would
you please comment on the legibility of your records?”
July 11, 2006 Surgeon’s
Daily Notes Upon visitation
OR Note:
Proc: Lap -
open Right hemicolectomy and excision of large mesenreric cyst
Klein, Esser, Shedletsky
GA: Zadic No comp.
July 12, 2006
VSS afeb No gas Abdo soft Comfortable
July 13, 2006
100, Temp 38.1 Feels better today No gas
ok Abdo soft Hungry
July 14, 2006
Temp: 36.0
(Max 38.1) HR:80 + gas
(passing gas) abdo still tender incision okay
WBC: N (normal) Con't
clears (fluids)
July 15, 2006
VSS, afeb Wound infection -> opened + gas Con't as is
July 16,
2006 (This note was written by the clinical fellow)
AVSS (afcbrile, vital signs stable) c/o nausea, no vomiting
wound packed
incisional pain
I/P (impression plan): stable, blood work
July 17, 2006
Some diarrhea, otherwise well Plan: home 1-2 days
July 18, 2006
Afeb Well, eating well Plan: home 2 days
July 19, 2006
afeb Well
pain, decreased diarrhea, C. diff. Negative
Plan: home
in am
Why is it the Chief Coroner’s Office, the CPSO are unable to find any medical support material to go along with their opinion why I can locate numerous support material to address my concerns? |
“Remember Me"
2 attachments | Download all as zip (472.4 KB)
Royal Victoria Hospital, Grosvenor Road, Belfast, BT12 6BA, UK The Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, UK
Prophylactic antibiotics (third-generation cephalosporin and metronidazole) should be given at induction and for up to 24 hours. A treatment regime (5 days of antibiotics) may be necessary if there is significant intraoperative contamination.
Florida Administration (AHCA) website (
Cefazolin + Metronidazole Clindamycin + Aminoglycoside
The performance measures currently mandated are as follows:
1. Prophylactic antibiotics must be administered to the patient within 1 hour prior to surgical incision.
2. Prophylactic antibiotics must be discontinued within 24 hours from the end of surgery.
VA San Diego Healthcare System
Perioperative Management
It is very clear that an intravenous antibiotic given within two hour before starting an abdominal operation lowers the wound infection rate significantly. If the operation is long (> 4 hours), the antibiotic should be administered intraoperatively as well. The antibiotic should cover enteric gram-negative bacilli and anaerobes
Antibiotic prophylaxis in colorectal surgery.
“Preoperative bowel preparation involving mechanical cleansing and administration of intravenous antibiotics immediately before surgery is the standard practice. The patient may also be given a prescription for oral antibiotics (neomycin, erythromycin, or kanamycin sulfate) the day before surgery to decrease bacteria in the intestine and to help prevent post-operative infection.” ****************************************************************
Although antibody prophylaxis did not lower the infection rate, it prevented the serious consequences of gram-negative infections and thus improved the overall prognosis.
There are dozens of different species of gram-negative bacilli, with many species normally found in the intestinal tract. In the intestinal tract they have a beneficial effect on the body by preventing overgrowth of potential pathogens. However, if by surgery or trauma these bacteria get out of the intestine, they can cause serious, life-threatening disease.
Procedure Likely Pathogen(s) Recommended Druga Alternative
General Surgery
• Appendectomy (non-perforated) Enteric Gram(-)
bacilli Cefazolin + Metronidazoleb Clindamycin + Aminoglycoside
• Colorectal Surgery Enteric Gram(-) bacilli, Enterococcus,
anaerobes Cefazolin + Metronidazoleb Clindamycin +
• High-risk esophagealc, gastoduodenal,
or biliary surgery3 Enteric Gram(-) bacilli, Gram(+) cocci Cefazolin
Clindamycin + Aminoglycoside
• Penetrating abdominal trauma Enteric Gram(-)
bacilli, Enterococcus,
anaerobes Cefazolin + Metronidazoleb Clindamycin +
Gynecologic Surgery Clindamycin
+ Aminoglycoside
• C-section (after cord-clamping) Staph
epi, Staph aureus, Group B Strep,
Enterococcus Cefazolin
Clindamycin + Aminoglycoside
• Hysterectomy Enteric Gram(-) bacilli, Group B Strep,
Enterococcus Cefazolin
Clindamycin + Aminoglycoside
Head and Neck Surgery
Anaerobes, Staph aureus, Gram(-) bacilli
Clindamycin Cefazolin + Metronidazole
• Clean Staph aureus, Staph epi Cefazolin
• Skull fracture, CSF leak Anaerobes, Staph
epi, Staph aureus Cefazolin Clindamycin
• Penetrating trauma Staph, strep,
Gram(-) bacilli, anaerobes Ceftriaxone, Clindamycin N/A
• Spine Staph aureus, Staph epi Cefazolin
Orthopedic Surgery
• Closed fracture Staph epi, Staph aureus Cefazolin
• Open fracture Staph, strep, Gram(-)
bacilli, anaerobes Cefazolin + Gentamicin Clindamycin + Gentamicin
Urologic Surgery
• Genitourinary (high risk only)e Gram(-) bacilli, Enterococcus
Cefazolin Ciprofloxacin
Vascular Surgery Staph
epi, Staph aureus, Gram(-) bacilli,
Enterococcus Cefazolin
Cardiothoracic Staph
epi, Staph aureus, Streptococcus,
Corynebacteria, enteric-Gram-negative
bacilli Cefazolin Clindamycin
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery. Committee on Antimicrobial Agents, Canadian Infectious Disease Society
Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Ont.
Mayo Clinic Standards of care for Surgery
Standards of
care for surgical care improvement project
of this care
Percent of patients given preventive antibiotic within
one hour before the surgical incision
Research has shown that
receiving an antibiotic within the hour before surgery ensures the lowest
incidence of postoperative infection.
Preventing surgical-site infections after colorectal surgery
Surgical-site infection (SSI) is a major contributor to patient mortality rates and health care costs. Due to the high risk of bacterial contamination, colorectal surgery is associated with a particularly high risk of postoperative infection.
Efficacy of Protocol Implementation on Incidence of Wound Infection in Colorectal Operations - article-footnote-1
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Seattle, WA, June 2006.
Gram-negative bacillary sepsis with shock has a mortality rate of 30 to 50 percent; mortality varies depending, in part, on whether the patient receives timely and appropriate antibiotic therapy. Kang CI, Kim SH, Park WB, Lee KD, Kim HB, Kim EC, Oh MD, Choe KW
CHICA-Canada Standards & Guidelines Committee
antibiotic prophylaxis has been demonstrated to prevent surgical site
infections in designated clean and clean-contaminated procedures. To be
effective, the following must be considered:
Antimicrobial Prophylaxis (AMP) should be used for all
clean contaminated procedures, and for certain clean procedures in which
clinical trials have proven their use will reduce surgical site infection
(SSI) rates.
Current Guidelines for Antibiotic Prophylaxis of Surgical Wounds
is a fifth-year resident in surgery at the University of Washington. He completed a Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of Illinois College of Medicine Medical Scholars Program, Champaign-Urbana, where he also received his medical degree.
is professor and vice-chair of surgery, chief of the division of general surgery, and associate medical director of the University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School, Boston, and completed a surgical residency at Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, and a fellowship in infectious diseases at TuftsNew England Medical Center, Boston. Copyright © 1998 by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
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