Sunday, September 15, 2019


INSTITUTIONAL BETRAYAL—all were given the medical facts and expert opinions mentioned previously

Obviously, Dr. Klein has not changed since my daughter’s death. Before reading my story, take a look at excerpts from the following HPARB decision.   From an HPARB Review held on July12, 2017

As noted above, the Committee specifically considered the Respondent’s conduct history with the College. The Committee indicated that the Respondent’s “history with the College, which includes several complaints on a number of aspects of [the Respondent’s] care, raised some concern for the Committee”. The Board has reviewed the Respondent’s history with the College and finds that the Committee’s concern is reasonable.

The Committee noted that Dr. Klein has a significant history with the College, which include cases raising both clinical and record-keeping issues, for which he has received advice and been cautioned. The Committee agreed with the Board that the repetition of similar concerns in this case appears to indicate that the previous remediation attempts have not been successful. This, along with the Committee’s concern about Dr. Klein’s persistent lack of insight into his shortcomings in this case, suggested that a more significant disposition was required to adequately protect the public, as outlined above.

The Board notes that the Respondent’s conduct history with the College includes prior complaints involving the care of patients, including medication issues, that have previously been identified as concerns by the panels of Committee assigned to assess them and have resulted in advice being provided to the Respondent. The repetition of similar concerns highlighted in this case would appear to indicate that previous remediation attempts by the Committee have failed to yield the desired result. There is nothing within the Committee’s decision to indicate how the issuance of another advice in this matter will protect the public interest in light of the Respondent’s conduct history.


"Defamation is comprised of two subcategories between libel (libel refers to written defamatory statements)and slander(broadcasting of spoken defamatory words)

Proving a Claim in Libel and/or Slander
"the statement must be false!"

Defences to Actions in Libel and Slander 

"The first defence is the defence of truth. The defence can be made that the statement was truthful and therefor there was nothing false about the statement, meaning therefore, that the statement was not defamatory."

"The second defence to an allegation of libelous statement is that the statements made were made as a fair comment. The defence of fair comment would be considered by the Court in situations where, by looking at the statement made, the facts and the situation, a conclusion can be made that the statements made were in actuality a fair commentary on the situation at hand and that the comments were fair and were not malicious."

"The defence of qualified privilege arises normally in situations where the individual publishing these statements will escape any liability if it can be proven that the public good could be furthered in open debate.  --     especially considering the numerous deaths which occurred after my daughter's death and the one in Dec of 2012.  Who really knows the real total being concealed by all?


Memorial Plaque done by HRRH

Memorial Area done by HRRH

A very dangerous precedence has been set by the CPSO, HPARB, THE CCO, THE DIOC AND THE ONTARIO OMBUDSMAN by allowing the CPSO and HPARB decision to stand---- they can now use my case to substantiate other citizens’ complaints should any open surgery occur within Ontario without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis being administered, as well as  supporting the non-use of any antibiotics being administered to a patient who has undergone open abdominal surgery (all staples removed from the 8 inch incision) and developing an abdominal incision whereby test results indicated the presence of “many gram negative bacilli”.

Failure of the Hospital:
They supposed are required to do a death investigation but when asked they told the Ombudsman's office, no records were actually kept and the hospital refused to give me a copy or summation of their supposed death investigation.  The Health Minister should be looking into this but of course her close friendship with Barb Collins, the CEO would prevent her from doing so.  --Breach of Trust.

As you can see from below, this hospital apparently did not do this, or else they covered up their  internal review of the patient's care.

issues are directly related to hospital quality of care. The Quality of Care Information Protection Act, 2004, which sets out in Section 1, the functions of quality reviews (emphasis added):


1, In this Act, "quality of care committee" means a body of one or more individuals,

(a) that is established, appointed or approved,

(i) by a health facility,
(ii) by an entity that is prescribed by the regulations and that provides health care, or
(iii) by an entity that is prescribed by the regulations and that carries on activities for the purpose of improving or maintaining the quality of care provided by a health facility, a health care provider or a class of health facility
or health care provider,

(b) that meets the prescribed criteria, if any, and

(c) whose functions are to carry on activities for the purpose of studying, assessing or evaluating the provision of health care with a view to improving or maintaining the quality of the health care or the level of skill, knowledge and competence of the persons who provide the health care; ("comite de la qualite des soins).

In the Chief Coroner's refusal to conduct an inquest, the following is stated with regard to the above: (and to many of my recommendations contained within my submission to the CCO requesting an inquiry.)

Dr. Bert Lauwers
"The concerns raised by these potential recommendations properly belongs to the HRRH and a death review of Ms. Kilby's death"  

Apparently the did not do one or at least have a written report of it.  This also demonstrated the failure of the Hospital.--- keep in mind the Patient Ombudsman who at the time was Ms Elliott and her office rendered a completely useless report--    Cover-up!

 Dear Mr. Kilby:  October 2, 2008
We received a series of questions from you through Dr. Hebert.
Yours truly,  Barbara E Collins
COO   Humber River Regional Hospital
a. Was antibiotic surgical prophylaxis done at the proper time before time of the operation?.

Dr. Klein has advised that Terra was given the appropriate pre-     operative antibiotics.
AWKilby comment:  An obvious “lie” as proven by the hospital records.  How can the College accept anything Dr. Klein states
“Although conversion to open surgery is always a possibility, his intention was that the
surgery would be performed laparoscopically to remove a mesenteric cyst. However,
during the surgery he determined it was necessary to immediately remove what he
suspected was more concerning than a simple mesenteric cyst. He could not rule out
sarcoma at that time, and
it was not until after he converted to a laparotomy that it was clear that this cyst could not be removed without a bowel resection.”
AWKILBY’s Response:  The above is pure BS.  He knew before he converted to a laparotomy!!
Note the following:  This proves that Dr. Klein was going to attempt laparoscopically a colon resection for a mesenteric mass.  This was before he converted to a laparotomy!!!
Note the Procedure Desc. In the following chart:
“Laparoscopic Colon Resection Attempted For Mesenteric Mass”
The second Procedure Desc. indicates the laparotomy.
AWKILBY’s Response:  The College once again fails to thoroughly look at the Hospital Records.  OOPS or is it intentional---- My claim it is intentional--- three times they have studied the charts and still it is I who must point out the concerns substantiated by the records.  Dear HPARB panel, please don’t let them make cover up this neglect to the Standards of Care for a fourth time!
And from Dr. Taylors’(the College’s I.O)letter to Angela Bates May 8th, 2011,
During the surgery on July 11 2006, Dr. Klein realized that the mass was not separable from the colon or retroperitoneum and obtained consultation with a colleague and went ahead with an open right colectomy. This is well documented in the operative note on page 48.”
OPERATIVE PROCEDURE        I-/  Diagnostic laparascopy 
                                                     2-/ Open right hemicolectomy and excision of mesenteric cyst.              
At the time of laparoscopy, a large cyst could be seen in the mesentery of the right colon.  It was densely adherent to the bowel as well as densely adherent to the lateral abdominal wall.  It felt very solid and not at all in keeping with a simple mesenteric cyst.  We therefore made the decision to convert to an open procedure.
The fascia was divided.  The peritoneal cavity was entered under direct vision.  A 10 mm trocar was inserted.  Pneumoperitoneum was obtained.  A 5 mm subxiphoid and 5 mm suprapubic port were placed under direct vision.  We immediately could see the large mass in the right upper quadrant and the findings were as above.  We did not feel that this was at all easily accessible laparoscopically and could not separate the plane from the lateral abdominal wall as well as from the colon.  At this point, we made a decision to convert to a laparotomy. 
 AWKILBY’s Response:  So preceding information proves Dr. Klein knew prior to conducting open abdominal surgery that a colon resection had to be performed.  Why did he go ahead without ensuring my daughter received the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis! 
 AWK Note:--- But when he discovered the mass could not be removed with the laparoscopic procedure, open abdominal surgery should not have gone ahead without the patient being properly prepared.  This was not an emergency surgery but day surgery!
I never saw the following letter but it does indicate that Dr. Klein knew that perhaps a colon resection may be possible through an open approach.  So, he should have been prepared and either rescheduled the operation or administered the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis.
FAX (416) 7*2-5899SUITE 504
Dr. Sandra Best 80 King St. East Brockville, ON  K6V 1B5
RE: Terra Kilby Dear Dr. Best,
Ms. Kilby has returned to my office today. I have had a chance to review her CAT scan. She likely has a mesenteric cyst or possibly a duplication cyst. It looks amenable to laparoscopic excision and appears to be separate from the bowel, kidney and ureter.
She continues to have symptoms and has a palpable mass in her right abdomen.
1 have therefore recommended a laparoscopic excision of the cystic mass. We discuss potential risks which include infection, bleeding, bowel injury, bladder injury. There is a risk of injury to any nearby organs such as her ureter or major blood vessels.
 There is also small risk that she may require a bowel resection.
Certainly, there is a risk that this will need to be done through an
open approach.
She would like to go ahead. I answer any question she had. Consent for surgery was obtained. I will take her to the operating room at the next available opportunity.
               Laz V. Klein, MD, MSc, FRCS(C) LVK


Humber River Hospital -North York, Toronto

My twelve year struggle resulting in failure to bring about the truth, protect Ontario citizens and open up true transparency and accountability.

Will the Patient Ombudsman's Office be another failed institution?? WELL, I WAS RIGHT--ANOTHER WASTE OF TIME.


Regardless of the friendship between Ms Elliott and Ms Collins, I feel she should be fully engaged in the investigation as this is far to important to disqualify herself! As the Patient Ombudsman, how can she investigate if she has friendships with the administrators of Ontario hospitals and disqualifies herself?

I met with the Patient Ombudsman, Christine Elliott, my MPP, Steve Clark and a patient ombudsman investigator, Marie-Claire Muamba with regard to HRH and Dr. Klein. This occurred several months ago, September 22/2016. I was told not to post anything until they had been in touch with HRH. This has occurred.

Marie, I am a little hesitant with regard to the coming phone call today, January 11, 2017, as I have had so many from so many investigators who merely want to inform me that there is nothing to be done! All these phone calls do is raise my blood pressure and anger me. They ignore the evidence and do a lame job of trying to explain why they find nothing to my concerns, which of course, is absolutely ludicrous!

HRH has an opportunity to bring forth the truth after concealing it for over ten years. The patients of Humber River Hospital should have the assurance that should an adverse event occur, this hospital will not conceal the truth by remaining silent. I and all of whom are aware of Terra Dawn's hospitalization and death would certainly not go to this hospital nor recommend Humber River Hospital to anyone. The problem is most Ontario citizens are completely unaware!

Ms Collins, knowing that my complaints with regard to Terra's care or lack thereof has been ongoing for ten plus years, one would feel compelled to reopen my file when the Excellent Care For All came it effect.

Keep in mind, I met with five HRRH administrators in May of 2008 whereby they didn't respond to a single question/concern of mine. This was before I actually had the hospital records. Once studying the records, I often sent my new concerns to Ms. Collins.

Excellent Care For All 

  1. Have practices in place for handling patient complaints as part of the organization's overall patient relations process. As part of these practices, health care organizations are be required to:

have processes in place for reviewing and resolving complaints made by patients and caregivers record, monitor, and analyze key information about each complaint, including the name of the person who made the complaint (except in the case of an anonymous complaint), the date the complaint was made, the subject matter, whether the complaint was resolved, and if so, when and how the complaint was resolved

inform the person who made the complaint of its review status, within five days of the date the complaint was made and whenever the person who made the complaint reasonably requests further information

Public Hospital Act 
 Remember this is after Terra's death--considering this surgeon has multiple deaths, and the fact that his department was temporarily shut down due to multiple deaths in 2009 up to Feb of 2010, the CEO and COO should have realized there was a serious problem present. Let's not forget the death of Crystal Rose in Dec of 2012. Perhaps, HRH's lack of action led to these deaths and continue to do so.

Duty where serious problem exists      CEO and COO were well aware of a serious problem! But ignored it for the years.

(3) If an officer of the medical staff who is responsible under subsection (1) or (2) becomes aware that, in his or her opinion a serious problem exists in the diagnosis, care or treatment of a patient, the officer shall forthwith discuss the condition, diagnosis, care and treatment of the patient with the attending physician. 2006, c. 4, s. 52 (12).

Should they not, the Ontario Citizens should be able to access a public document from the Patient Ombudsman's Office indicating HRH's lack of transparency and accountability and their excuse to hide behind the "Excellent Care Act" and conceal the truth with regard to a surgeon's negligence which resulted in many more deaths after Terra Dawn Kilby.
Also: If the phone call has to do with what I want from HRH. l doubt they will do the following.. They will not want to put anything on record.
For example-- a written response to some of the following questions. There are many more questions!     

The Patient Ombudsman’s Office cannot get answers to any of the questions posed below.

1. Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon to change to an open abdominal surgery to perform a colon resection and removal of a tumor after attempting a colon resection laparascopically without administering the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis???
2. Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon not  provide the patient with antibiotics when the abdominal incision became so infected that all staples had to be removed, considering the patient did not receive the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis at the time of surgery???
3. Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon not  provide antibiotics to the patient when test results indicated the "presence of many gram negative bacilli" considering the patient had not received any antibiotics whatsoever???
4. Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon not  provide supplemental nutrition after five days of the patient only receiving a liquid diet and where records indicate the patient was not tolerating current diet???
5. Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon to keep a patient on a liquid diet for nine days without nutritional supplementation??
6.  Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon to ensure the patient had a solid bowel movement after consuming her only two solid meals just prior to discharge??
7. Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital and its Surgeon to see the patient the day of discharge??
8.  Is it hospital policy and the standard of care for Humber River Hospital take over two years to substantiate my assertion that the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis was not administered even though the surgeon kept telling the COO that he had done so???? And this was only done so during a phone call I had with Ms Collins. 
9.Would HRH not consider all of the above to be negligence on the part of the surgeon and perhaps the hospital???

PLUS SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS WHICH HRH CAN EASILY SEE BY STUDYING THE HOSPITAL RECORDS.                                                                                  

CPSO's Decision “The routine use of antibiotics prior to bowel surgery is an important aspect of care that was NEGLECTED by Dr. (Laz) Klein in this case.” The CPSO issued a secret written caution to Dr. Klein and stated that PERHAPS he MIGHT want to CONSIDER administering the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis in THE FUTURE when converting from minimal evasive to open surgery! 


Ms Deborah Dennie, e-mail send to Ms Dennie with no response.

Director of Education, Quality Support and Risk Management. HRH

‎My MPP and I will be meeting with the new Patient Ombudsman.
I know you will undoubted run to the new CEO about this, however I am hopeful you will bring forth the truth after it has been conceal for such a long time.
Ms Dennie

I understand you conduct in-hospital deaths without consulting with nursing or medical staff who were involved in that incident. And then, quite often, you would go to the program director and get some information from her or him to prepare your report. It is now time to bring forth the truth!

Did you and another party investigate the death of Terra Dawn Kilby when she passed away on July 21st, 2006 less than 12 hours after being discharged by HRRH, Finch Street Site.
What was the date of this investigation?
Who else was involved in this death investigation?
Were copious notes kept of this investigation?
What was the result of this investigation? Scott Jarritt stated at a meeting you found no concerns!! I would love to put you on the stand before a Judge/Jury to have you commit purgery!
How many times have you investigated an in-hospital death of one of Dr. Laz Klein's patients? He must have kept you very busy!

Newsflash!    Dr. Devlin, Congratulations upon your upcoming retirement from HRH as its CEO.  A FEW MONTHS BACK, RUMOUR HAD IT THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH WAS FORCING RETIREMENT ON YOU. 

 Perhaps, it is time to come forth with the truth with regard to the negligent care received by Dr. Laz Klein and provide me with a copy of the supposed in-hospital death investigation which you have continued to refuse to grant me.

I am deeply sorry to think this but the run around the hospital have been giving me over the years,  I can’t help thinking this as a truth!

I wonder if Dr. Devlin's religious commonality with Dr. Klein prevented the truth from coming out concerning the death of a common Gentile? One must also wonder if Terra's care would have been far superior that it was had she been Jewish?  I believe should the Hospital and the CPSO compared patient hospital charts for those of different faith, they would certainly discover a tremendous difference with respect to post operative care provided by Dr. Klein!

Be Forewarned --If the CEO and COO covers up negligence, should you or a loved one consider going to the newly built hospital. THINK HARD.

Sadly, a deceased woman is less valued than one who remains alive in a vegetative state-- one reason why a malpractice suit is rejected by law firms. But in this case, besides the Surgeon, Dr. Klein, I believe a suit could be filed against all who supposedly looked into this death--- Humber River Regional Hospital, Chief Coroners Office of Ontario, the Death Investigation Oversight Council, the Ontario Ombudsman's Office, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Community Safety and Corrections, the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board. A knowledgeable Law Firm would know the exact reasoning for a suit against the above publicly funded institutions But "Breach Of Trust" would not in the least bit be difficult to prove.

Message from beyond:
"I want you all to know how much I love you and miss you. But I am content and watching over all of you. Until we meet again, please remember all of the good experiences we shared and the fun times we had together as a family."
“ Continue the fight, Dad, so changes are made to protect others”

College’s Decision “The routine use of antibiotics prior to bowel surgery is an important aspect of care that was NEGLECTED by Dr. Klein in this case.”

The College recommended to the surgeon that perhaps "he might consider the use of antibiotic prophylaxis in the future when converting to open surgery" HE MIGHT CONSIDER???????

The Chief Coroner's Office, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, the Death Investigative Oversight Council, the Liberal government and Liberal Health Ministers and Premier Wynne apparently agree that it is perfectly within the accepted Standard of Care to:
--have open abdominal surgery without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis
--having not had the above, accepted that there was no need for antibiotics when the abdominal incision was oozing purulent liquid and was so infected that all staples were removed  An example of something purulent is an open wound that's not healing properly.
--when test results showed "many gram negative bacilli", still it was quite acceptable to provide no antibiotics

From: Arnold Kilby> Sent: September 15, 2009 11:49 AM To: barbara collins Subject: Dear Ms Collins, I am still requesting a copy of ...

Dear Ms Collins,I am still requesting a copy of the internal investigation to my complaints which I ask for in a letter sent around Oct 22 of 2008.  I would also suggest that you review your internal investigation as it would appear that it was not very thorough, even though I have not seen it. I presented a very strong case to the HPARB panel this week.                               
 With respect, Arnold W Kilby
Subject: FW: Terra Dawn Kilby's Death HRRH    From: Arnold Kilby
>Sent: July 5, 2010 12:14 PM
To: barbara collins;; steve clark; a horwath; andre marin; bentley; central health integrated network; Christina Blizzard; Collette Gooden; d matthews;; domonique Pierre; Elizabeth Witmer;; Rick Bartolucci; Talia Talaga; Tim Hudak; Toronto Star; w 5; laz Klein

Dr Devlin & Ms Collins Just wondering whether you are following your lawyers advice not to communicate with me again?  There is no lawsuit so I'm not sure why the lack of transparency on the hospital's part? I will be distributing Terra Dawn's flyers shortly after the fourth anniversary of Terra's death.  Still waiting patiently for a response. I would still, after several attempts made to you, request a copy of your internal investigation which took place in the 2008 year. I believe I am entitled to this as it pertains to my complaints I submitted to you, and tried to address during the May 2008 interview with your five administrators who sat by deaf and muted.  I am re-sending the previous e-mail as I did not receive a response.

Respectfully yours, Arnold W Kilby

From: Arnold Kilby>  Sent: June 26, 2013 10:02 PM     To: barbara collins

If there is no cover-up then could I have a copy of the internal death review that was done after Terra's death, which I have asked for on numerous occasions. And how can a patient, regardless of it changing from laparoscopic to open, for removal of tumour and a colon resection be done with no antibiotic given at all, at any time --prior, during and after.  I still remember that meeting when it was said that the hospital found no issues????  How in depth was this investigation? Certainly this aspect should be noted in the review as a concern. It is very difficult to believe that the hospital feels Dr. Klein acted in a knowledgeable, professional, ethical etc manner with respect to all aspects of Terra's care, prior, during and after her operation.
Twelve Attempts made with no response: 
a letter sent around Oct 22 of 2008                     September 15, 2009 11:49 AM
Sat 2015-12-12 6:28 PM          June 26, 2013 10:02 PM 
Sat 2016-01-02 9:03 PM           Mon 2016-01-11 4:45 PM
Thu 2016-01-21 9:52 AM        Fri 2016-02-05 3:15 PM
Wed 2016-02-10 11:14 PM      February 11, 2016 6:25 PM
Feb 23, 2016               March 4, 2016 

Oh, and I forgot the Ombudsman's Office inquired and yes I know they did so not officially since they do not have the authority and the answer was HRH did one but will not reveal it to them.

Ms. Collins told me the following about your request for a copy of "the report":
- you are asking for a copy of their "internal investigation report"
- you were told that the hospital investigates all deaths in the hospital and that they do a complete review of each case 
- she has been in communication with you since a week after your daughter died
- they have provided you with all of the information that they can provide to you - everybody has tried to be understanding but there is nothing more that she can give you
- you have the entire health record - you cannot have all of their internal documents as you are asking for private and confidential information
- there is NO REPORT, she emphasized, but only internal notes and documents
- you have appealed to the Privacy Commissioner to get all of the information from the hospital and the Privacy Commissioner is currently investigating
- the Privacy Commissioner will decide if you can get any further information This is the information that was provided to me.
The last two comments above are incorrect, what I went for dealt with the Chief Coroner's Office, not the hospital.

I appreciate your comments about our lack of jurisdiction over the hospital sector and, I think you know, our Ombudsman is working very hard to try to get his jurisdiction expanded to include the hospital sector as well as the other sectors which our province does not allow him to oversee. I share your optimism that this will be "coming sooner than later" but, sadly, it is not in place now. Unfortunately there is nothing further that I can do to assist you with this issue. I think it is good news that you have taken your concerns to the Privacy Commissioner and given that she is investigating your complaint at this time perhaps you will be satisfied when she has finished her review and can report back to you. I am going to close your complaint on this issue to our office as there is nothing further that I can do. Having said that you know that you can contact me again, directly, at any time, if there is anything you want to discuss.

Fran Cappe Investigator Office of the Ombudsman of Ontario 


It is now February 18, 2016 and still no response.  This will prove to be beneficial in the future.
I, once again, am requesting a copy of HRRH's internal death investigation of Terra Dawn Kilby. I am the father; I deserve this report. We all know who the surgeon is so you can omit his name for privacy reasons. But the facts must become public, for the interest of patient safety, accountability and transparency! 

I am still asking for a copy of the supposed internal death investigation done after Terra's death.  I kind of suspect that you don't have one. Actually I know you didn't at the time but may have come up with one several years after the fact. I would like to see that one.
I'm sure your death investigation would have dealt with these concerns even though for two years you maintained Terra had received the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis prior to surgery simply because you asked Dr. Klein and he said yes. Two years to finally look at the records to discover he lied! Remember, I have Dr. Phillip Hebert's questions that were answered by HRRH in the fall of 2008.
 The following is the answer to the first question:

Dr Hebert's first question:  a. Was antibiotic surgical prophylaxis done at the proper time before time of operation?
HRRH's Response: Dr. Klein has advised that Terra was given the appropriate pre- operative antibiotics.

Why didn't you look at the operation chart to see he attempted a colon resection without the mandatory antibiotic prophylaxis being administered? Then he lied and said he didn't know he had to do a colon resection until after he converted. The operational chart shows the opposite--- Look at the first Procedure. Why do you continue to cover up negligence when this surgeon is responsible for so many deaths? WHICH WAS A COMPLETE LIE TO YOU AND TO EVERYONE

 It is so wrong to think this, but I am convinced in a hospital setting a surgeon/doctor could actually commit a murder and get away with it. They are getting away with negligence contributing to adverse events and deaths taking place in hospitals with no fear of being reprimanded or held accountable. The record of Terra’s surgeon remains spotless although there are more deaths associated with him, and there is no way for citizens to be aware of his past. This is the reality within Ontario. Humber River Hospital by concealing the truth contributes to the above.

 HRH has never addressed any of the medical concerns I have sent to you via numerous e-mails in the past. All of which dealt with Terra's pre and post care! 

If you recall, often you had mentioned that we could meet, and I had said that unless some measure of acknowledgement that Terra's care should have been better then there was no point in meeting. You never commented on this. Considering the numerous unquestionable issues this was not an unreasonable request. If you recall I met with five administrators in May of 2008 whereby not a single issue was address by Dr. Barkin. So really, how does one expect that a meeting with HRRH would be any different?

The first meeting assessment written by Terra's Aunt who attending this meeting:

HRRH’s Communication Efforts?

 “The general attitude of senior staff at HRRH (we met five senior staff members, including Dr Jack Barkin, Chief of Staff, at our meeting of May 15, 2008) appears to be one of complete haplessness: as they have been cleared (by the College of Physicians/Surgeons) of not meeting standards in Terra’s post-operative care, they have expressed a lack of interest in further discussion and have given us the impression that they consider Terra’s death to be a fluke/bad luck/ “just one of those things” / a medical mishap for which there is no explanation and show absolutely no inclination to conduct their own inquiry.

Their truculence to say anything at all, indicates to us that any discussion initiated by them may be taken as an admission of culpability. Is it not incumbent upon hospitals, when these types of totally unexpected deaths occurs, to conduct an investigation, to shed some light on the situation (in Terra’s case, the cause of death was DIC) as some measure of solace to relatives, and also to educate other medical professionals and to advance the body of knowledge on the subject - in other words, perform a public service?

Our family expected HRRH would provide this kind of service to us - that they would tell us what happened/may/could have happened. On the contrary, we have had to conduct our own research, much of it via the internet, via journals, but it can be accessed only by subscribing and paying a fee.

This state of affairs should be unthinkable in our province. Our family knows the CAUSE of Terra’s death - what should be investigated are connections between the events of Terra’s hospital stay and their connections to the onset of DIC. This is the heart of the matter. Terra’s father, has done a meticulous job, researching medical records, organizing documents etc. while at the same coping with his overwhelming grief. He deserves credit for this.”
“It is common knowledge that on very rare occasions, a patient, even a young healthy patient dies after surgery. However, until every detail of the surgery/post-operative period in HRRH have been examined by specialists in the field, we are not prepared to accept the fact that Terra’s death has no explanation.”

Note: Terra's Colon Resection broke down and she bled to death. We had been told that she had DIC which the Chief Coroner later retracted.
As well, when the parents of another of Dr. Klein's patient (who died in Dec of 2012, Crystal Rose), requested a meeting with the hospital, HRRH agreed to meet. HRRH asked Mr & Mrs Rose to submit the questions/concerns they wanted addressed at the meeting.  Then, upon receiving Mr Rose's questions/concerns, HRRH cancelled the meeting! But later in 2016 they met and nothing was resolved.



Dr.John Hagen, Dr. Klein's partner in MIS surgery operating out of Humber River Regional Hospital, delivered this presentation during May 2010 in Montreal as part of a symposium on diabetes.            


IN 2010, "With the help of the Coroner's Office, the program was shut down while an external review was done by a well-known expert." (according to this power point display which mentions 5 deaths within 30 days of operation of patients) My sources say it is higher. 

 From Dr. Hagen’s Power Point

¡  First 880 cases done with acceptable results
¡  Over a 6 month period September 2009-February 2010 there were 5 deaths within 30 days of surgery
¡  With the help of the coroner’s office, the program was shut down while an external review was done by a well known expert
From letter sent to the College by Dr. Klein which I had not previously seen.
July 13, 2011
Ms. Angela Bates Manager,                                                                                                                                           Committee Support Area Investigations and Resolutions                                                                                                  
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 80 College St. Toronto ON M5G2E2
RE: Ms. Terra Dawn Kilby - Your File #77429

 "The independent assessor is correct that Ms. Kilby did not receive preoperative antibiotics. I agree with the independent assessor's opinion in response to your subsequent letter that preoperative antibiotics would not have been a contributing factor to the anastomotic leak. Antibiotics are used to prevent or treat an infection. They have no preventative or beneficial effect for an anastomotic leak."

"Furthermore, it is not my practice to prescribe antibiotics for a planned laparoscopic surgery with possibility of conversion to an open procedure."
"As I have explained in my initial response, Ms. Kilby did develop a superficial wound infection postoperatively that was treated appropriately. I do not feel that the wound infection 'was in any way related to the outcome of this case."

L Klein
Oh, my God!!!!  Dr. Klein has not learned a thing from Terra's death and is obviously going to continue as he did!    

One, antibiotic antibiotic prophylaxis is a standard of care and yes, Terra had an abdominal infection as noted by the nurses and the lab test results indicating the presence of ‘many gram negative bacilli’ 

Dr. Klein’s own words contradict himself
“Antibiotics are used to prevent or treat an infection”
“Ms. Kilby did develop a superficial wound infection postoperatively that was treated appropriately”

So superficial that all staples had to be removed???
 But the College, HPARB, CORONER’S OFFICE fail to consider this and is distracted only with Terra’s anastomotic leak resulting in death.

This is detrimental to the safety of patients that are under his care!!!!!!

I have not seen this prior to receiving this from HPARB and Humber River Hospital refuse to comment on the concerns I point out regarding Dr. Klein's letter to the CPSO.  I have included my comment within to address concerns

Dr. Klein’s letter to the College:
July 9, 2010
Ms. Sandra Keough Investigator
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College St. Toronto ON M5G 2E2
Dear Ms. Keough:
Re: Dr. Lazar Klein
Your File No. 08-CRV-0097

“I understand that this matter has been referred by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board ("HPARB") back to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee ("ICRC") for further consideration and the issuance of a new decision. I write to clarify my response to Mr. Kilby's initial complaint and to address the specific aspects of the HPARB decision.:

Committee's Findings
The Committee had found that:
“Ms Kilby's cause of death was determined to be intra-abdominal haemmorrhage with coagulopathy [i.e. DIC]. It is very odd that Ms Kilby had no signs of coagulopathy while in hospital, and that it affected her so suddenly and fatally. Overall, Ms Kilby's case is an extremely unusual one, and the Committee could find no information in the hospital chart or other medical records to predict the horrific outcome, nor any information to suggest that there were flaws in surgery performed by me or the care that I provided that directly or indirectly resulted in Ms Kilby's untimely death. It is an unfortunate fact that the delivery of appropriate and adequate medical care does not guarantee positive results, and that sometimes it is not possible to avoid a tragic outcome, particularly when an unpredictable clinical presentation occurs and when a patient's symptoms do not coincide with the underlying pathology.”

With respect to the postoperative care, the Committee found that:
“Dr Klein's account of the visits paid to Ms Kilby and attention to her wound are supported by information in the hospital chart, which contains my post-operative notes, documenting that Ms Kilby was seen daily. While the Committee cannot tell from the chart whether Ms Kilby's wound was assessed daily, the record does contain my diagnosis and treatment of a minor wound infection that developed post-operatively.”

 AWKILBY’s Response: Take a good look at Dr. Klein’s notes, lacking thorough examination on various issues. Also, important to note, the College does not require the length of time to be noted, for obvious reasons. So, a ten second visit counts-----how on earth can one truly care for a patient in ten seconds, and the Wednesday prior to her release she was asleep when he was in the room? On one other occasion I waited in the TV room four doors down from Terra’s room, counted “ten steamboats” and then went to my daughter’s room. Dr. Klein was not only gone from the room but also the floor, as I had asked the nurse to locate him. She couldn’t find him.

Because the CPSO could not read his daily notes, he was asked to transcribe them.   There still is very little information contained within.  Look for what is not said--- test results and scores, abdomen size and oozing incision.  There is no way that this surgeon’s notes are copiously done,

Many of my experts concluded Dr. Klein’s notes are barely acceptable and conclude they                     
should have been more detailed.
 “Dr Klein had some very brief progress notes in the chart but not, in our doctor’s opinion adequate to describe what was happening with the abdominal wound.  (Dr Hebert also mentioned the progress notes as lacking at the meeting on July 4, 2008)   The medical consultant noted that the wound was treated by cleansing but no antibiotics were given and no further cultures were done.” “It is his comment that it would appear Terra’s death was due to lack of attention to any discharge procedure.”
Sandra Keough Investigator  NOV 29 2007
Investigations and Resolutions  CPSO
Dear Ms. Keough,
The office notes from March 22,2006 and April 2006 have corresponding dictated notes attached previously. As a routine, I dictate all office visits including initial consultations and follow-up visits. I do this to ensure that there are no legibility issues with any office charting. At the hospital I dictate all consultation notes that I write. Only daily progress notes do not have a corresponding dictation, I do endeavor to print these notes to make them legible.
The chart notes continue as follows:
July 11,2006:
OR Note:
Proc: Lap - open Right hemicolectomy and excision of large mesenreric cyst
Surg: Klein, Esser, Shedletsky
GA: Zadic
No comp.
July 12,2006
VSS afeb No gas Abdo soft Comfortable
July 13, 2006
HR: 100, Temp 38.1 Feels better today No gas Wound: ok Abdo soft Hungry                                                   D /C Foley IV bolus
July 14, 2006
Temp: 36.0 (Max 38.1)
-I- gas (passing gas)
abdo still tender
incision okay
WBC: N (normal)
Con't clears (fluids)
July 15, 2006
VSS, afeb
Wound infection -> opened
+ gas
Con't as is
July 16, 2006 (This note was written by the clinical fellow)
AVSS (afcbrile, vital signs stable) c/o nausea, no vomiting wound packed incisional pain
I/P (impression/plan): stable, blood work July 17,2006
Some diarrhea, otherwise well Plan: home 1-2 days
July 18,2006
well, eating well
Plan: home 2 days

July 19, 2006
VSS, afeb
Decreased pain, decreased diarrhea, C. diff. negative
Plan: home in AM.                                       
I hope this is satisfactory. I appreciate your efforts in this matter , Sincerely aLaz V. Klein, MD, MSc, FRCS(C) LVK

AWKILBY’s Response:  So none of the following are a concern????
Did Dr. Klein look at the nursing records and test results or even talk with    the nurses??
THE INCISION    from July 15 to release from hospital, incision was infected 

ABDOMINAL SWELLING    from July 13 to release from hospital  With significant nausea, vomiting, or abdominal distension, x-rays of the abdomen should be obtained.

MANY GRAM NEGATIVE BACILLI SEEN     as stated in hospital records

MANY PMN’S Polymorphonuclear Neutophils greater than 15/LPF as stated in hospital records

Pulse Rates         34/38 of Terra’s recorded pulse rates were above 90 during her stay 

Temperatures       23 out 38 recorded temperatures were not in the normal range 

Breathing    It should be noted that Terra’s breathing to the most part indicated concern.   (see hospital records)

All Five Hemoglobin test scores below normal range.

All Five Hematocrit test scores below normal range.

Red Blood Cell Count test scores---one at lowest of normal and other four below

All five Absolute Lymphocytes well below normal range.

All four UREA   Blood Urea scores well below normal range.

Issues Raised by Mr. Kilby

The HPARB panel noted that the Committee did not specifically address in its Reasons certain concerns of Mr. Kilby related to his daughter's postoperative wound infection that he believed to be relevant to his complaint. In particular, Mr. Kilby:

• pointed to observations in the nursing notes regarding the odour and oozing from Ms. Kilby's wound, as well as abdominal distension;
• questioned whether Ms. Kilby should have been ordered antibiotics;
• queried whether her wound infection may have been related to DIC; and
• questioned whether a CAT scan would have been warranted in the circumstances.
As I stated in my initial response letter, Ms. Kilby did have a superficial wound infection postoperatively.

“Postoperative wound infections such as the one experienced by Ms. Kilby are common after bowel surgery. I treated Ms. Kilby's infection promptly by opening the wound and draining the fluid on the fourth postoperative day. As this was a superficial wound infection, antibiotics would not have been necessary. Further, there would have been no need to perform a CAT scan since Ms. Kilby did not have any signs of a systemic infection. As stated in my response letter, she had no fever, no tachycardia, no elevated white blood cell count and normal bowel function”.

AWKILBY’s Response: It was on Saturday, Day five after the surgery not Day 4 and the infection spread to the entire incision by Tuesday. Thus, her entire incision was now opened up. Since she was given no antibiotic prophylaxis, wouldn’t one think that for this incision infection, an antibiotic would be warranted? Also, what about the gram negative bacilli—left untreated. Gee, an enlarged abdomen doesn’t warrant a cat scan or further investigation? Also when the nurse asked about antibiotics Dr. Klein’s response was “The Body Will Heal Itself” --- Well just maybe, Terra’s body needed a little help.

(Pulse Rates >90) (tachycardia) Please go back and see Terra’s pulse rates. Again, I believe this is proof the Dr. Klein paid no attention to the nursing records.

34/38 of Terra’s recorded pulse rates were above 90 during her stay

Please refer back to comments made by the surgeons I contacted with regard to the incision.
Concerns of abdominal distension were not communicated to me at any time during my daily assessments of Ms. Kilby. As I stated in my response letter, Ms. Kilby continued to recover well after surgery, and the time of discharge she was feeling well and had no complaints. In any event, abdominal distension is not uncommon after abdominal surgery and in my view, would not have given any indication of DIC.

AWKILBY’s Response: Again, did Dr. Klein not look at the nursing records or talk to the nurses? See description of abdomen. As well, how on earth can a nurse communicate with Dr. Klein when his visits are timed in seconds. Who knows whether the nurse was present in the room while Dr. Klein was temporarily there or not.

As I stated in my initial response letter, Ms. Kilby did not show any signs that would have alerted to me to any cause for concern. Her death was extremely unusual and tragic.

AWKILBY’s Response: So none of the following are a concern requiring further investigation????

Did Dr. Klein look at the nursing records and test results??

THE INCISION from July 15 to release from hospital, incision was infected

ABDOMINAL SWELLING from July 13 to release from hospital With significant nausea, vomiting, or abdominal distension, x-rays of the abdomen should be obtained.

MANY GRAM NEGATIVE BACILLI SEEN as stated in hospital records

MANY PMN’S Polymorphonuclear Neutophils greater than 15/LPF as stated in hospital records

Pulse Rates 34/38 of Terra’s recorded pulse rates were above 90 during her stay

Temperatures 23 out 38 recorded temperatures were not in the normal range

Breathing It should be noted that Terra’s breathing to the most part indicated concern. (see hospital records)

All Five Hemoglobin test scores below normal range.

All Five Hematocrit test scores below normal range.

Red Blood Cell Count test scores---one at lowest of normal and other four below

All five Absolute Lymphocytes well below normal range.

All four UREA Blood Urea scores well below normal range.

AWKILBY’s Response: From my research


What Complications Can Occur with a Colon Resection?

These complications include:
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • A leak where the colon was connected back together.
  • Injury to adjacent organs such as the small intestine, ureter, or bladder
  • Blood clots in deep veins in your legs that may travel to your lungs.
It is important for you to recognize the early signs of possible complications. Contact your surgeon if you notice severe abdominal pain, fevers, chills, or rectal bleeding.

When to Call Your Doctor

Be sure to call your physician or surgeon if you develop any of the following:
  • Persistent fever over 101 degrees F (39 C)
  • Bleeding from the rectum
  • Increasing abdominal swelling  YES
  • Pain that is not relieved by your medications YES
  • Persistent nausea or vomiting  YES
  • Chills YES
  • Persistent cough or shortness of breath YES
  • Purulent drainage (pus) from any incision YES
  • Redness surrounding any of your incisions that is worsening or getting bigger YES

Gee, why did Dr. Klein discharge her?

  • You are unable to eat or drink liquids YES
“In summary, I reiterate that I feel that I provided appropriate care to Ms. Kilby. I am confident that Ms. Kilby's infection was no more than a superficial wound infection, which I treated appropriately and that it had no effect on her tragic death. I again express my deepest condolences to Mr. Kilby and his family “. Yours very truly,
Lazar Klein

From July 11th after her operation up to July 20th lunch, Terra was on a liquid diet with no nutritional supplementation. A liquid diet should not go more than five days. As well, records show she was not tolerating current diet. Her dinner on the 20th and breakfast on the 21st were regular meals. So, this was the first time she ate regular food. She did not have a bowel movement prior to discharge at noon on the 21st. 
Gee, one would probably think that the colon resection should have been tested to see if she could pass a solid bowel movement. But not this hospital. She was not seen by any doctor on the day of her discharge. The day prior to her discharge she was seen my Dr. Klein while she was sleeping???? So really, the last time Dr. Klein spoke to her was on two day prior on the 19th when I though my hissy fit about the infected incision. It took quite some time to locate him that day.

Nurses:    Angella Y Miller     Betty Traynor   Cheryl Byrnes                       Gylanne Allen    Jennifer Celio         Jennifer Dyce    Kalpana Mohammed  Linda Lane          Paul Pangilinan      Claudia Herod  Allan Gylanne              Ingrid Nattras     Julie Lazzaro           Kwabena Omane-Badu              Marlene Sutherland

Very difficult to communicate with in a disrespectful way, walks away when you are talking to him, even my 5 yr old knows it's rude and disrespectful to walk away from someone when they are talking to you. It makes it impossible to to ask questions about your situation. And I have every right to know what's wrong with me, what my options are, etc. This man's salary is coming from my tax dollars, he does not get to decide whether or not he'll communicate with a patient, once you are being paid for your services by my tax dollars you have an obligation to communicate with me. He contradicts himself multiple times, and tells you one thing but writes something completely different in the chart. He sent me home from hospital with an infection even after I complained numerous times about puss coming out of the wound and my entire abdomen being swollen and hot to touch and redness spreading everywhere. I had to be admitted to another hospital to get i.v. antibiotics and get the wound opened up again by another surgeon because of internal infection. It could have all been prevented had he listened when I was telling him in hospital that my belly was very hot to touch and there was puss coming out and that my belly was very swollen, and that the redness around the wound was spreading, etc. He just kept saying, that's all normal, you've just recently had surgery. I have had many surgeries and I know what's normal and what isn't, puss from a wound is not normal, severe redness around a wound that is spreading is not normal, a belly that is extremely hot to touch is not normal. These are all signs of infection and just because I didn't have a fever he assumed there couldn't possibly be an infection anywhere. The new surgeon at the other hospital who took care of me said not all infections will show with a fever. Maybe he couldn't have prevented the infection, I know it's a risk with any surgery, BUT he could have sent me home with antibiotics therefore preventing another hospitalization and the wound having to be opened up again. He could make his own job so much easier and could have far less problems for himself if he just learned how to listen. Just because someone is sick doesn't mean they're stupid.

Submitted , 2016
Dr. Klein it's the MOST unreliable surgeon there is , believe what you read about him!!! He does NOT care about his patients , I had my gbp 4 months ago and since then it's been a night mare I been in an out of the ER with strange symptoms that nobody knows and I never suffer from before every time I go to Humber river Hospital he is never available!! They page him and he never responds to his page... I have been trying to get an appt with him and I haven't able too , it's been 3week I been vomiting blood and he thinks it's not important. Before my surgery I saw him 2 times in his office for 5 min each times. I did not see him before nor after my surgery. PLEASE PEOPLE IF UR FP MAKES A REFERRAL FOR THIS DR. PLEASE TRY ANOTHER OPTION STAY AWAY FROM THIS "SURGEON" .


Should you wish to send your MPP your concerns the addresses of all Ontario MPPs as of August 2020 are listed below:


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Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7528

Fax: 416-326-7504

Constituency office

Unit 11
7895 Tranmere Dr.

Mississauga, ON L5S 1V9

Tel.: 905-696-0367

Fax: 9-696-7545


Constituency office

803 St. Clair Ave. W

Toronto, ON M6C 1B9

Tel.: 416-656-0943

Fax: 416-656-0875

Legislative office

Room 115
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-0071

Fax: 416-325-4728


Legislative office

Room 159
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-1872

Fax: 416-325-1912

Constituency office

155 Clarke Rd.

London, ON N5W 5C9

Tel.: 519-668-1104

Fax: 519-668-1941


Constituency office

2nd Floor
181 St. Andrew St. E

Fergus, ON N1M 1P9

Tel.: 519-787-5247

Fax: 519-787-5249

Toll Free: 1-800-265-2366

Legislative office

Room 180
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

Tel.: 416-325-3880

Fax: 416-325-6649


Legislative office

Room 203
North Wing, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-0168

Fax: 416-325-0088

Constituency office

The LaSalle Mews

Suite 2
303 Bagot St.

Kingston, ON K7K 5W7

Tel.: 613-547-2385

Fax: 613-547-5001


Legislative office

Room 444
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7114

Fax: 416-326-7113

Constituency office

830 Sheppard Ave. W.

Toronto, ON M3H 2T1

Tel.: 416-630-0080

Fax: 416-630-8828


Legislative office

Room 265
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7111

Fax: 416-326-7099

Constituency office

Suite 207
4002 Sheppard Ave. E

Scarborough, ON M1S 4R5

Tel.: 416-297-6568

Fax: 416-297-4962


Ministry office

Ministry of Government and Consumer Services

5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-212-2665

Constituency office

Suite 102
805 Christina St. N

Point Edward, ON N7V 1X6

Tel.: 519-337-0051

Fax: 519-337-3246



Constituency office

39 Norfolk St. N

Simcoe, ON N3Y 3N6

Tel.: 519-428-0446

Fax: 519-428-0835

Ministry office

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

11th Floor
77 Grenville St.

Toronto, ON M5S 1B3

Tel.: 416-325-8404


Constituency office

Unit 5A
3110 Kingston Rd.

Scarborough, ON M1M 1P2

Tel.: 416-261-9525

Fax: 416-261-0381

Legislative office

Room 385
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-0908

Fax: 416-325-0685


Constituency office

Unit 103
719 Bloor St. W

Toronto, ON M6G 1L5

Tel.: 416-535-7206

Legislative office

Room 372
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-1620

Fax: 416-325-1424


Constituency office

1821 Danforth Ave.

Toronto, ON M4C 1J2

Tel.: 416-690-1032

Fax: 416-690-8420

Legislative office

Room 241
North Wing, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-2881

Fax: 416-325-2780



Constituency office

Suite 213
1550 Kingston Rd.

Pickering, ON L1V 1C3

Tel.: 905-509-0336

Fax: 905-509-0334

Toll Free: 1-888-444-1730

Ministry office

Treasury Board Secretariat
Whitney Block
Room 4320
4th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Tel.: 416-327-2333



Constituency office

Suite 202
60 Wilson Ave.

Timmins, ON P4N 2S7

Tel.: 705-268-6400

Fax: 705-266-9125

Toll Free: 1-800-461-9878

Legislative office

Room 114
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-7122

Fax: 416-325-7181



Legislative office

Room 410/411
111 Wellesley St. W.

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Constituency office

Unit 204
4473 Innes Rd.

Orleans, ON K4A 1A7

Tel.: 613-834-8679

Fax: 613-834-7647


Ministry office

Premier's Office
Whitney Block
Room 6522
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Tel.: 416-326-7092

Constituency office

Suite 101
96 Nelson St.

Brantford, ON N3T 2X1

Tel.: 519-759-0361

Fax: 519-759-6439


Constituency office

28 Circle St.

Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1T7

Tel.: 705-335-6400

Constituency office

Unit 6
631 Front St.

Hearst, ON P0L 1N0

Tel.: 705-372-6400

Fax: 705-372-6440

Legislative office

Room 116
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7351

Fax: 416-326-6972


Constituency office

Unit 102
60 King St.

Welland, ON L3B 6A4

Tel.: 905-732-6884

Fax: 905-732-9782

Legislative office

Room 355
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-3990

Fax: 416-325-3415


Legislative office

Minister Without Portfolio
Room 223
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

Tel.: 416-325-7754

Fax: 416-325-7755

Constituency office

Suite 400
37 Sandiford Dr.

Stouffville, ON L4A 3Z2

Tel.: 905-642-2588

Fax: 905-642-1618

Toll Free: 1-866-531-9551


Ministry office

Ministry of Finance
Frost Building South
7th Floor
7 Queen's Park Cres.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7

Tel.: 416-325-0400

Constituency office

111 Sheppard Ave. W

North York, ON M2N 1M7

Tel.: 416-733-7878

Fax: 416-733-7709


Ministry office

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
College Park
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M5G 2C8

Tel.: 416-314-0797

Constituency office

Unit B
4559 Sheppard Ave. E

Toronto, ON M1S 1V3

Tel.: 416-297-5040

Fax: 416-297-6767


Ministry office

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
17th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M5G 2E5

Tel.: 416-585-7000

Fax: 416-585-6470

Constituency office

Suite 101
100 Strowger Blvd.

Brockville, ON K6V 5J9

Tel.: 613-342-9522

Fax: 613-342-2501

Toll Free: 1-800-267-4408


Legislative office

Government Caucus Office
Room 251
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-1331

Fax: 416-325-1423

Constituency office

Suite 101
114 Dundas St. E

Whitby, ON L1N 2H7

Tel.: 905-430-1141

Fax: 905-430-1840


Constituency office

237 Montreal Rd.

Vanier, ON K1L 6C7

Tel.: 613-744-4484

Fax: 613-744-0889

Legislative office

Rm. 412/413
111 Wellesley St. W.

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-0007

Fax: 416-325-0172



Legislative office

Room 416
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-4544

Fax: 416-325-4525

Constituency office

Suite L02
1200 Lawrence Ave. E

Toronto, ON M3A 1C1

Tel.: 416-494-6856

Fax: 416-494-9937


Ministry office

Ministry of Infrastructure
4th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2E1

Tel.: 416-326-7591

Constituency office

Unit 1
74 Rebecca St.

Oakville, ON L6K 1J2

Tel.: 905-827-5141

Fax: 905-827-3786


Ministry office

Treasury Board Secretariat
Whitney Block
Room 5340
5th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Tel.: 416-326-7239

Constituency office

Unit 1 & 2
120 Lakeshore Rd. W

Mississauga, ON L5H 1E8

Tel.: 905-274-8228

Fax: 905-274-8552


Constituency office

Unit 14
20 Bell Farm Rd.

Barrie, ON L4M 6E4

Tel.: 705-726-5538

Fax: 705-726-2880

Ministry office

Ministry of the Attorney General
11th Floor
720 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2S9

Tel.: 416-326-2220

Fax: 416-325-1219

Toll Free: 1-800-518-7901


Ministry office

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services/Associate Minister Responsible for Women's Issues
7th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 416-325-5225

Constituency office

14 Coldwater Rd. W

Orillia, ON L3V 3L1

Tel.: 705-326-3246

Fax: 705-326-9579

Toll Free: 1-800-304-7341

Constituency office

TD Canada Trust Bank Plaza
Unit 6
295 King St.

Midland, ON L4R 3M5

Tel.: 705-526-8671

Fax: 705-526-8600


Ministry office

Ministry of Health
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-327-4300

Fax: 416-326-1571

Constituency office

Unit 22
16635 Yonge St.

Newmarket, ON L3X 1V6

Tel.: 905-853-9889

Fax: 905-853-6115

Toll Free: 1-800-211-1881



Ministry office

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
18th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1S5

Tel.: 416-326-8475

Constituency office

219 Main St. E

North Bay, ON P1B 1B2

Tel.: 705-474-8340

Fax: 705-474-9747


Legislative office

Deputy House Leader
Main Legislative Building
Room 223
111 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-7754

Fax: 416-325-7755

Ministry office

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (Children and Autism)
7th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 416-325-5225

Fax: 416-325-5240

Ministry office

Mailing address: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Hepburn Block
6th Floor
80 Grosvenor St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1E9

Constituency office

Unit 4
4281 King St. E

Kitchener, ON N2P 2E9

Tel.: 519-650-9413

Fax: 519-650-7006


Legislative office

Room 154
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-6913

Fax: 416-325-6942

Constituency office

Suite 220
100 Regina St. S

Waterloo, ON N2J 4P9

Tel.: 519-725-3477

Fax: 519-725-3667



Constituency office

823 Albion Rd.

Etobicoke, ON M9V 1A3

Tel.: 416-745-2859

Fax: 416-745-4601

Legislative office

Premier's Office
Room 281
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Tel.: 416-325-1941

Fax: 416-325-3745

Ministry office

Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs
Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Tel.: 416-325-1941



Legislative office

Room 448
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-4670

Fax: 416-325-4671

Constituency office

1828 Bank St.

Ottawa, ON K1V 7Y6

Tel.: 613-736-9573

Fax: 613-736-7374


Legislative office

Room 185
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-0117

Fax: 416-325-0084

Constituency office

Unit 2
78 Centre St. N

Oshawa, ON L1G 4B6

Tel.: 905-723-2411

Fax: 905-723-1054



Ministry office

Ministry of Long-Term Care
6th Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Constituency office

Suite 100
240 Michael Cowpland Dr.

Kanata, ON K2M 1P6

Tel.: 613-599-3000

Fax: 613-599-8183

Toll Free: 1-800-267-1020


Legislative office

Room 169
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-212-6102

Fax: 416-212-6106

Constituency office

Unit 1
6746 Morrison St.

Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6Z8

Tel.: 905-357-0681

Fax: 905-357-9456

Constituency office

Douglas Heights Seniors Centre
265 High St.

Fort Erie, ON L2A 3R4

Tel.: 905-871-8868

Fax: 905-871-4717


Legislative office

Room 186
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-9203

Fax: 416-325-9185

Constituency office

Hanmer Valley Shopping Plaza
Suite 15
5085 Hwy. 69 N

Hanmer, ON P3P 1P7

Tel.: 705-969-3621

Fax: 705-969-3538


Constituency office

Unit 30
6179 Perth St.

Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0

Tel.: 613-838-4425

Fax: 613-838-6045

Legislative office

Room 212
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-4890


Ministry office

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Suite 2302
23rd Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M5G 2E5

Tel.: 416-585-7000

Constituency office

Unit 206
400 Main St. E

Milton, ON L9T 4X5

Tel.: 905-878-1729

Fax: 905-878-5144



Toronto, ON M5T 2R9

Tel.: 416-603-9664

Fax: 416-603-1214

Legislative office

Room 343
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7196

Fax: 416-326-7172



Legislative office

Room 421
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-4757

Fax: 416-325-4752

Constituency office

179 Algoma St. S

Thunder Bay, ON P7B 3C1

Tel.: 807-345-3647

Fax: 807-345-2922


Legislative office

Room 172
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-0235

Fax: 416-325-0873

Constituency office

2443 Dougall Ave.

Windsor , ON N8X 1T3

Tel.: 519-977-7191

Fax: 519-977-7029


Constituency office

2nd Floor
12 Perry St.

Woodstock, ON N4S 3C2

Tel.: 519-537-5222

Fax: 519-537-3577

Toll Free: 1-800-265-4046

Ministry office

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
11th Floor
77 Grenville St.

Toronto, ON M5S 1B3

Tel.: 416-326-3074


Legislative office

Room 328
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7648

Fax: 416-326-7639

Constituency office

109 Catherine St.

Ottawa, ON K2P 0P4

Tel.: 613-722-6414

Fax: 613-722-6703


Ministry office

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Whitney Block
Room 6601
6th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1A1

Constituency office

Unit 3 & 4
63 Arthur St. S

Elmira, ON N3B 2M6

Tel.: 519-669-2090

Fax: 519-669-0476


Legislative office

Room 325
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

Tel.: 416-326-6961

Fax: 416-326-6957

Constituency office

1965 Weston Rd.

Toronto, ON M9N 1W8

Tel.: 416-243-7984

Fax: 416-243-0327


Legislative office

Room 363
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-6773

Fax: 416-325-6795

Constituency office

Unit 1
5452 Tecumseh Rd. E

Windsor, ON N8T 1C7

Tel.: 519-251-5199

Fax: 519-251-5299



Legislative office

Whitney Block
Room 1304
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

Tel.: 416-325-2244

Constituency office

Unit 1
105 Dufferin St.

Perth, ON K7H 3A5

Tel.: 613-267-8239

Fax: 613-267-7398


Constituency office

Unit 21
195 Norseman St.

Etobicoke, ON M8Z 0E9

Tel.: 416-259-2249

Ministry office

Solicitor General
George Drew Building
18th Floor
25 Grosvenor St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Y6

Tel.: 437-288-7903


Legislative office

Room 381
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-7116

Fax: 416-325-8222

Constituency office

Suite 200
20 Hughson St. S

Hamilton, ON L8N 2A1

Tel.: 905-544-9644

Fax: 905-544-5152



Constituency office

Unit B1
3785 Kingston Rd.

Scarborough, ON M1J 3M4

Tel.: 416-281-2787

Fax: 416-281-2360

Legislative office

Room 447
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-4800

Fax: 416-325-4785


Ministry office

Solicitor General
George Drew Building
18th Floor
25 Grosvenor St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Y6

Tel.: 416-325-0408

Fax: 416-326-0498

Constituency office

Suite A
3rd Floor
180 Broadway Ave.

Orangeville, ON L9W 1K3

Tel.: 519-941-7751

Fax: 519-941-3246


Legislative office

Room 441
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-4850

Fax: 416-325-4884

Constituency office

Unit 5
450 Alden Rd.

Markham, ON L3R 5H4

Tel.: 905-305-1935

Fax: 905-305-1938


Legislative office

Whitney Block

Room 1308B

99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

Constituency office

Suite 101

498 Eagle St. N

Cambridge, ON N3H 1C2

Tel.: 519-650-2770

Fax: 519-650-3918


Legislative office

Room 204
North Wing, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-3017

Fax: 416-325-2937

Constituency office

2849 Dundas St. W

Toronto, ON M6P 1Y6

Tel.: 416-763-5630

Fax: 416-763-5640



Ministry office

Mailing address: Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (Culture and Sport)
6th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Constituency office

Suite 103
2175 Sheppard Ave. E

North York, ON M2J 1W8

Tel.: 416-494-8778

Fax: 416-494-0110

Ministry office

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (Culture and Sport)
1st Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Tel.: 416-325-6009


Legislative office

Room 362
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7568

Fax: 416-326-7580

Constituency office

Unit 105
400 York St.

London, ON N6B 3N2

Tel.: 519-432-7339

Fax: 519-432-0613


Constituency office

Unit 1
237 Mapleview Dr. E

Barrie, ON L4N 0W5

Tel.: 705-722-0575

Fax: 705-722-8835

Ministry office

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-314-6790


Legislative office

Room 269
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7005

Fax: 416-326-6999

Constituency office

8 Dundas St. W

Napanee, ON K7R 1Z4

Tel.: 613-308-9625

Fax: 613-308-9685

Constituency office

26A St. Lawrence St. W
P.O. Box 70

Madoc, ON K0K 2K0

Tel.: 343-600-3310

Fax: 343-600-3329

Toll Free: 855-229-6676


Legislative office

Room 429
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7102

Constituency office

Unit 708
10 Kingsbridge Garden Circle

Mississauga, ON L5R 3K7

Tel.: 905-890-1901


Ministry office

Ministry of Education
5th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 416-325-2600

Constituency office

Unit 1
2220 King Rd.

King City, ON L7B 1L3

Tel.: 647-560-9700

Fax: 647-560-9701


Constituency office

Suite 212
25 Frederick St.

Kitchener, ON N2H 6M8

Tel.: 519-579-5460

Fax: 519-579-2121

Legislative office

Room 170
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7221

Fax: 416-326-7217



Ministry office

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
6th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 416-314-1400

Ministry office

Mailing address: Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
Hearst Block
9th Floor

Toronto, ON M7A 2A1

Constituency office

Unit 222/3
250B Greenbank Rd.

Nepean, ON K2H 8X4

Tel.: 613-823-2116

Fax: 613-823-8284


Legislative office

Room N201
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7692

Fax: 416-326-7690

Constituency office

Unit 104
73 King St.
P.O. Box 176

Sioux Lookout, ON P8T 1A1

Tel.: 807-737-2210

Fax: 807-737-1592

Toll Free: 1-888-444-1723


Legislative office

Room 160
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-1938

Fax: 416-325-1976

Constituency office

14 George Walk

Elliot Lake, ON P5A 2A4

Tel.: 705-461-9710

Fax: 705-461-9720

Toll Free: 1-800-831-1899


Ministry office

Ministry of Health
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-327-4300

Constituency office

2882 Dufferin St.

Toronto, ON M6B 3S6

Tel.: 416-781-2395

Fax: 416-781-4116


Ministry office

Ministry of Francophone Affairs
15th Floor
56 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M5S 3L6

Tel.: 416-325-4947

Constituency office

Centre Street Square
Unit 4
1136 Centre St.

Thornhill, ON L4J 3M8

Tel.: 905-731-8462

Fax: 905-731-2984


Constituency office

Time Square
120 Second St. W

Cornwall, ON K6J 1G5

Tel.: 613-933-6513

Fax: 613-933-6449

Ministry office

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Suite 2302
23rd Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M5G 2E5

Tel.: 416-585-7000


Ministry office

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
14th Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Tel.: 416-325-4910

Constituency office

Unit 104
472 Brock Ave.

Burlington, ON L7S 1N1

Tel.: 905-639-7924

Fax: 905-639-3284



360 James St.

Wallaceburg, ON N8A 2N5

Tel.: 519-627-1015

Fax: 519-627-7174

Ministry office

Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
14th Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Tel.: 416-326-7600

Constituency office

81 Front St. W

Strathroy, ON N7G 1X6

Tel.: 519-245-8696

Fax: 519-245-8697


Constituency office

289 Queenston Rd.

Hamilton, ON L8K 1H2

Tel.: 905-545-0114

Fax: 905-545-9024

Legislative office

Room 357
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-0707

Fax: 416-325-0853


Ministry office

Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs
Frost Building South
6th Floor
7 Queen's Park Cres.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7

Tel.: 416-325-1012

Constituency office

Unit 1
165 Manitoba St.

Bracebridge, ON P1L 1S3

Tel.: 705-645-8538

Fax: 705-645-8148

Toll Free: 1-888-267-4826

Constituency office

26 James St.

Parry Sound, ON P2A 1T5

Tel.: 705-746-4266

Fax: 705-746-1578

Toll Free: 1-888-701-1176


Constituency office

2063 Lawrence Ave. E

Scarborough, ON M1R 2Z4

Tel.: 416-615-2183

Fax: 416-615-2011

Legislative office

Room 427
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7374

Fax: 416-326-7377


Legislative office

Room 207
North Wing, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-9820

Fax: 416-325-9800

Constituency office

Suite 105
105 Main St. E
P.O. Box 1886

Atikokan, ON P0T 1C0

Tel.: 807-597-2629

Fax: 807-597-2402

Constituency office

409 George St.

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5Y9

Tel.: 807-622-1920

Fax: 807-622-3263

Toll Free: 1-833-673-4129


Legislative office

Room 344
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7171

Constituency office

329 Parliament St.

Toronto, ON M5A 2Z3

Tel.: 416-972-7683

Fax: 416-972-7686


Ministry office

Ministry of Francophone Affairs
25th Floor
700 Bay St

Toronto, ON M7A 0A2

Ministry office

Ministry of Transportation
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8

Tel.: 416-327-9200

Constituency office

Unit 8
45 Grist Mill Rd.

Holland Landing, ON L9N 1M7

Tel.: 905-895-1555

Fax: 905-895-0337


Legislative office

Room 369
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-0714

Fax: 416-325-0980

Constituency office

316 Talbot St. N

Essex, ON N8M 2E1

Tel.: 519-776-6420

Fax: 519-776-6980

Toll Free: 1-800-265-3909


Constituency office

Unit B
115 Erie St. N

Tel.: 519-326-3367

Fax: 519-326-0404

Constituency office

Suite 100
111 Heritage Rd.

Chatham, ON N7M 5W7

Tel.: 519-351-0510

Fax: 519-351-7714

Toll Free: 1-800-265-3992

Legislative office

Room 440
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-9099

Fax: 416-325-9000


Ministry office

Ministry of Education
5th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 416-326-1697

Constituency office

Unit M1
4961 King St. E

Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0

Tel.: 905-563-1755

Fax: 905-563-1317


Constituency office

Unit 602
3601 Hwy. 7 E

Markham, ON L3R 0M3

Tel.: 905-474-3288

Fax: 905-474-2878

Ministry office

Mailing address: Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (Tourism)
6th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Ministry office

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries (Tourism)
1st Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Tel.: 416-325-6009


Ministry office

Ministry of the Attorney General
11th Floor
720 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2S9

Tel.: 416 326-2220

Constituency office

23 King St. W

Bowmanville, ON L1C 1R2

Tel.: 905-697-1501

Fax: 905-697-1506



Ministry office

Treasury Board Secretariat
Whitney Block
Room 5340
5th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Constituency office

Suite 201
13085 Yonge St.

Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3S8

Tel.: 905-773-6250

Fax: 905-773-8158

Toll Free: 888-486-5352


Ministry office

Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
11th Floor
77 Grenville St.

Toronto, ON M5S 1B3

Tel.: 416-326-3073

Constituency office

Unit 2
55 Lorne Ave. E

Stratford, ON N5A 6S4

Tel.: 519-272-0660

Fax: 519-272-1064


Ministry office

Ministry of Finance
Frost Building South
7th Floor
7 Queen's Park Cres.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7

Constituency office

Suite 209
1 Rossland Rd. W

Ajax, ON L1Z 1Z2

Tel.: 905-427-2060

Fax: 905-427-6976


Ministry office

Ministry of Colleges and Universities
5th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 2A5

Tel.: 416-326-1600

Ministry office

Mailing Address: Ministry of Colleges and Universities
14th Floor
315 Front St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 0B8

Constituency office

117 Peter St.

Port Hope, ON L1A 1C5

Tel.: 905-372-4000

Fax: 905-885-0050


Constituency office

Unit 38
2300 Finch Ave. W

North York, ON M9M 2Y3

Tel.: 416-743-7272

Fax: 416-743-3292

Legislative office

Room 330
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7585

Fax: 416-326-7634


Legislative office

Room 271
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7028

Fax: 416-326-7085

Constituency office

Unit 315
1420 Burnhamthorpe Rd. E

Mississauga, ON L4X 2Z9

Tel.: 905-238-1751

Fax: 905-238-4918


Ministry office

Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines
Whitney Block
Room 5630
5th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W1

Tel.: 416-327-0633

Fax: 416-327-0665

Constituency office

300 McClellan Ave. East Room

Kenora, ON P9N 1A8

Tel.: 807-467-2415

Fax: 807-467-2641

Toll Free: 1-800-465-8501

Constituency office

Unit 1
279 Scott St.

Fort Frances, ON P9A 1G8

Tel.: 807-274-7619

Fax: 807-274-3721

Constituency office

Unit 2
439 Government St.

Dryden, ON P8N 2P4

Tel.: 807-223-6456

Fax: 807-223-6593

Toll Free: 1-800-465-8501

Ministry office

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs
Suite 400
160 Bloor St. E

Toronto, ON M7A 2E6

Tel.: 416-327-4464


Ministry office

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
7th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 647-309-4348

Constituency office

Unit 500
1580 Merivale Rd.

Nepean, ON K2G 4B5

Tel.: 613-721-8075

Fax: 613-721-5756


Ministry office

Ministry of Colleges and Universities
5th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 2A5

Tel.: 416 326-1600

Constituency office

Suite 102
390 Bay St.

Sault Ste Marie, ON P6A 1X2

Tel.: 705-949-6959

Fax: 705-946-6269


Constituency office

Unit 40
4181 Sladeview Cres

Mississauga, ON L5L 5R2

Tel.: 905-820-8851

Fax: 905-820-4307

Ministry office

Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries
1st Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Tel.: 416-326-7253

Fax: 416-326-7244


Legislative office

Room 261
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-6903

Fax: 416-326-6899

Constituency office

Unit 309
10 Gillingham Dr.

Brampton, ON L6X 0G6

Tel.: 905-595-1532

Fax: 905-457-8496


Ministry office

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
7th Floor
56 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 2E7

Constituency office

Unit 412A
7700 Hurontario St.

Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3

Tel.: 905-796-8669

Fax: 905-796-8069


Constituency office

Unit 106
240 Commissioners Rd. W

London, ON N6J 1Y1

Tel.: 519-657-3120

Fax: 519-657-0368

Legislative office

Room 359
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-6908

Fax: 416-325-7030


Legislative office

Room 451
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2

Tel.: 416-325-4664

Fax: 416-325-4666

Constituency office

173 Woolwich St.

Guelph, ON N1H 3V4

Tel.: 519-836-4190

Fax: 519-836-4191


Ministry office

Ministry of Infrastructure
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-327-4412

Constituency office

14 Lindsay St. N

Lindsay, ON K9V 1T4

Toll Free: 1-800-424-2490


Legislative office

Room 202
North Wing, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-6890

Fax: 416-326-6885

Constituency office

177 King St. W

Dundas, ON L9H 1V3

Tel.: 905-628-2755

Fax: 905-628-1280



Room 425
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-6206

Fax: 416-325-6182

Constituency office

290A McGill St.

Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1P8

Tel.: 613-632-2706

Fax: 613-632-1554

Toll Free: 1-800-294-8250


Constituency office

Unit 307
1 Gateway Blvd.

Brampton, ON L6T 0G3

Tel.: 905-799-3939

Fax: 905-799-9505

Legislative office

Room 156
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7178

Fax: 416-326-7166


Legislative office

Room 331
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7610

Fax: 416-326-7615

Constituency office

Lakeridge Plaza
Unit 12
456 Vodden St. E

Brampton, ON L6S 5Y7

Tel.: 905-454-1233

Fax: 905-454-8292


Ministry office

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
17th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2E7

Constituency office

Suite 104
2000 Garth St.

Hamilton, ON L9B 0C1

Tel.: 905-679-3770

Fax: 905-679-0288


Constituency office

Unit 4
1123 Water St.

Peterborough, ON K9H 3P7

Tel.: 705-742-3777

Fax: 705-742-1822

Ministry office

Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines (Northern Development and Mines)
Whitney Block
Room 5501
5th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Tel.: 416-326-7406

Ministry office

Ministry of Indigenous Affairs

Tel.: 416-326-7406



Constituency office

Unit D
5503 Hwy. 62 S
P.O. Box 6-2

Belleville, ON K8N 0L5

Tel.: 613-962-1144

Fax: 613-969-6381

Ministry office

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
7th Floor
438 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M5G 2K8

Tel.: 416-212-7432

Fax: 416-212-7431

Ministry office

Mailing address: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services
Hepburn Block
6th Floor
80 Grosvenor St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1E9



Constituency office

Unit B
209 Carlton St.

St. Catharines, ON L2R 1S1

Tel.: 905-935-0018

Fax: 905-935-0191

Legislative office

Room 387
Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7127

Fax: 416-326-7126


Legislative office

Room 157
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-326-7202

Fax: 416-326-7200

Constituency office

1199 Bloor St. W

Toronto, ON M6H 1N4

Tel.: 416-535-3158

Fax: 416-535-6587


Ministry office

Ministry of Transportation
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8

Tel.: 416-327-9200

Fax: 416-327-9188

Constituency office

Lloydmanor Shopping Centre
Unit 102
201 Lloyd Manor Rd.

Etobicoke, ON M9B 6H6

Tel.: 416-234-2800

Fax: 416-234-2276


Legislative office

Room 165
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A5

Tel.: 416-325-3250

Fax: 416-325-3252

Constituency office

923 Danforth Ave.

Toronto, ON M4J 1L8

Tel.: 416-461-0223

Fax: 416-461-9542


Constituency office

Unit 110
154 Queen St. S

Mississauga, ON L5M 2P4

Tel.: 905-569-1643

Fax: 905-569-6416

Ministry office

Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
7th Floor
56 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 2E7

Tel.: 416-326-8475


Legislative office

Room 371
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-1796

Fax: 416-325-1863

Constituency office

Unit 202
555 Concession St.

Hamilton, ON L8V 1A8

Tel.: 905-388-9734

Fax: 905-388-7862


Constituency office

Unit 105
8130 Sheppard Ave. E

Toronto, ON M1B 3W3

Tel.: 416-283-8448

Fax: 416-283-1597

Ministry office

Ministry of Transportation
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 1Z8

Tel.: 416-327-9200


Constituency office

408 Queen St.
P.O. Box 426

Blyth, ON N0M 1H0

Tel.: 519-523-4251

Fax: 226-523-9296

Ministry office

Ministry of Government and Consumer Services
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-212-2665

Constituency office

Unit 2
807 Queen St.

Kincardine, ON N2Z 2Y2

Tel.: 519-396-3007

Fax: 519-396-3011

Toll Free: 1-866-396-3007



Constituency office

Unit 3
5100 Rutherford Rd.

Woodbridge, ON L4H 2J2

Tel.: 905-893-4428

Fax: 905-893-4537

Ministry office

Ministry of Health
Whitney Block
Room 1618
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1A2


Ministry office

Ministry of Long-Term Care
6th Floor
400 University Ave.

Toronto, ON M7A 1T7

Tel.: 416-325-6200

Constituency office

Unit 570
2525 Old Bronte Rd.

Oakville, ON L6M 4J2

Tel.: 905-825-2455

Fax: 905-825-0663


Legislative office

Room 348
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-2000

Fax: 416-325-1999

Constituency office

2nd Floor
193 King St.

Sturgeon Falls, ON P2B 1R8

Tel.: 705-753-0200

Fax: 705-753-0800

Constituency office

Pinewoods Centre
Unit 5
247 Whitewood Ave.
P.O. Box 398

New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0

Tel.: 705-647-5995

Fax: 705-647-1976

Constituency office

63B Government Rd. W

Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 2E6

Tel.: 705-567-4650

Fax: 705-567-4208


Ministry office

Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
College Park
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M5G 2C8

Tel.: 416-314-0797

Constituency office

Suite 409
9555 Yonge St.

Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9M5

Tel.: 905-884-8080

Fax: 905-884-1040


Ministry office

10th Floor

77 Grenville St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2C1

Tel.: 416-325-6242

Constituency office

Suite 100
920 1st Ave. W

Owen Sound, ON N4K 4K5

Tel.: 519-371-2421

Fax: 519-371-0953

Toll Free: 1-800-461-2664


Legislative office

Room 347
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-7144

Fax: 416-326-7280

Constituency office

Unit 4B
555 Barrydowne Rd.

Sudbury, ON P3A 3T4

Tel.: 705-675-1914

Fax: 705-675-1456



Constituency office

50 Hume St.

Collingwood, ON L9Y 1V2

Tel.: 705-446-1090

Fax: 705-446-3397

Constituency office

Suite 28
180 Parsons Rd.

Alliston, ON L9R 1E8

Tel.: 705-435-4087

Fax: 705-435-1051

Legislative office

Whitney Block
Room 1306
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-325-2069

Fax: 416-325-2079



Legislative office

Room 420
Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A4

Tel.: 416-325-4705

Fax: 416-325-4726

Constituency office

Suite 101
795 Eglinton Ave. E

Toronto, ON M4G 4E4

Tel.: 416-425-6777

Fax: 416-425-0350


Ministry office

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Whitney Block
Suite 6630
6th Floor
99 Wellesley St. W

Toronto, ON M7A 1W3

Tel.: 416-314-2301

Constituency office

The Victoria Center
Unit 6
84 Isabella St.

Pembroke, ON K8A 5S5

Tel.: 613-735-6627

Fax: 613-735-6692


Legislative office

Room 206
North Wing, Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park

Toronto, ON M7A 1A8

Tel.: 416-326-6727

Fax: 416-326-6726

Constituency office

Unit 7
10215 Kennedy Rd. N

Brampton, ON L6Z 0C5

Tel.: 905-495-8030

Fax: 905-495-1041


Constituency office

Suite 201
750 Talbot St.

St. Thomas, ON N5P 1E2

Tel.: 519-631-0666

Fax: 519-631-9478

Toll Free: 1-800-265-7638

Ministry office

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
5th Floor
777 Bay St.

Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

Tel.: 416-314-6790


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MPP Clark- no response I will try again and resend previous attempted  emails It is now January 29, 2025 and still no response! I guess you ...